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After our honeymoon, I went back to work and university and Mark went back to Weston Bridge.I went back my normal routine which reminds me that Mark and I  have dinner plans with his Family next week. I can't believe  I'm seven months pregnant, due in a month and two week's tops.I felt and looked like an elephant.

 I didn't move back to Weston Bridge as we originally planned but rather shifted the dates to three months after the baby was born.Simeon Maxwell was so excited When Mark broke the news that I'm pregnant and due very soon.

Today was my last day at work.I'm officially on maternity leave.Before I left Lulu told me she will come check up on me after they close.I spent the whole morning doing laundry since I'm not allowed to do any heavy work.Mark wanted to hire a maid for me:  funny considering my whole life I did things for myself. It sounded bogus having a maid in such a small house.I quickly tossed that Idea the second he presented it.

The doorbell rang it must be Lulu coming to check if I'm in bed as she ordered...OH, Lulu, she is just too caring !. I Opened the door to my surprise it was not Lulu but a rather attractive blonde Lady with blue eyes staring at my face and then to my swollen belly.
''Naomi!  what are you doing here?''

''After all this time that's all you have to say to me, ''she said as she entered the apartment glancing around.

''How did you find me?''I asked curiously.

''I didn't know you were hiding cause if you were you suck at it...I have my contacts.So this is what you have been up to? You got married and didn't even tell me and now this? She said pointing at my belly. Please pray tell?''

''You see I didn't feel the need to tell considering we are no longer friends ''

''Yeah about that you never told me or rather gave a good excuse why you broke off our friendship?''

''As I told you before I don't want you to be associated with the likes of me.You are a very important women now and I feel that it will be better if I stayed away from you before embarrassing you in front of your rich friends ''

''I don't buy that crap.You think I'm that dumb Rain? I'm offended to think that you will think I will eat up such lousy crap.Tell me the reason ?or maybe I can tell you the reason''

''that's the reason.I have nothing further to add''

''Oh really? I'm pretty sure YOUR reason involves my husband, isn't it? Don't dare deny it!I know that you and Damien made a fool of me behind my back!You thought that you will get away with doing that to me? She said with tears rolling down her rose colored cheeks

''No....No, I don't know what you heard but I can tell you that It was never my intention to make a fool out of you.Things happened quickly and by the time I found out about you two it was already too late''

''And you think I will believe you after you bluntly lied in front of my face ?''. she slaps me on my right cheek. ''That's for being a two-timing whore ! and this'', She slaps my left cheek,''is for sleeping with MY HUSBAND! I never took you for a hoe but then again what did I expect: it's true a daughter of a hoe is also a hoe! Tell me, is Damien the father of that? And don't lie to me, do it for the friendship that you once pretended to share with me'' 

''No he is not ''I said feeling like the worse person on planet earth ..I really hope Damien is not the father of my baby.

''Lie! How do you know it's not his? To my knowledge, you were hoeing around with MY husband while we were engaged.You are such a bimbo! A backstabber! A filthy hoe! A Damn liar! A waste of my time! I CURSE THE DAY I MET YOU! ''

''I keep track of my days.It's not Damien's its Marks Okay! I deserve all that but at least hear my version of how this became about. Believe it or not, I'm SOOO sorry! ''

''You are sorry?Prove it then.I want you to get rid of that baby because I don't trust it's your husbands.Do that and I will forgive and forget all of this and we can all move on with our lives ''

''HUH? Naomi ! NO! how can you ask me to kill my child? This is crazy! You are insane ! this child is due in two months time and you want me to murder it to earn your forgiveness? There is noways in hell and back I will kill my baby to earn your forgiveness  ''.

''You can simply have an accident, you know like fall down the stairs that type.Since I don't believe a word coming from your mouth the best way to make sure you truly are not lying is for that child to die.You and your husband can have another one after this.Easy as that !''

''Naomi I told you this is not Damien's Baby! I slept with two guys after him namely Dave you can even look it up, It's even in the tabloids and then my husband. Mark made me pregnant, Do I need to write it down? I will not kill my child to make you feel secure.I just won't! huh... I can't believe you asked me to commit such an atrocity! This conversion is over get out of my house now!''

''Dave? that's your defense? Well, that nincompoop Dave never slept with you.That lousy idiot didn't follow through with the plan ! He was so wasted that he couldn't even perform? I was the one who had to undress you both and scatter your clothes so it seemed as if you two screwed, then take pictures and sent them to the tabloids ...So you see that child has a very high chance of being my husband! Rain you made a beast out of me and this beast baby will do all that's possible to keep whats hers.Since you don't want to lose that brat you are carrying the easy way then I'm afraid we have to do it my way  "said Naomi moving closer to me ''I hope you and your bastard go to rot  hell ''

The next thing I saw was Naomi grabbing my arms.I quickly escaped fleeing towards the door but then she caught up to me and then pushed me so hard against the wall.I stepped on her left foot so hard that she cried out loud ''Aaah bitch!''. This gave me a chance to flee toward the door but then she was faster than me and quickly caught up.

She pushed me in a book shelve, most the books hit the ground along with me. She picked me up and stirred straight into my eyes. I begged her ''Naomi please don't! Just stop! you are not a murder you are a good person! Ple... ''

 ''shut up! .When you were there enjoying my husband fucking you, you didn't think of this Good person now did you? Well now I pay you back with killing you and your bastard of a baby ..WOW this is a typical killing two birds with one stone  ..I'm impressed with myself!  You deserve this !'' she pushed me into the kitchen table and lastly trying my best to fight her off with the little energy I have. She shoved me towards the sofas.I hit my head so hard I became unconscious seconds later  

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