Shark Eats My Mom's Daycare Kid

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So this dream happened a LONG time ago and some of the details are a little fuzzy, but I remember enough to know I'm a psychopath!

So the dream started off at my school. I was walking down the art hallway and I saw a shark in this giant tank. And this guy walked up to me [lets name him Ed??]. I don't remember what he said to me, but we had to work together for a science project [which for some reason involved the shark] idk. Anyways, the dream skips to my house. We were standing around the tank [it had this deck that we could stand on or something like that] observing the shark. This was literally all taking place in my dinning room (at the time), now living room. So I was watching the shark when all of a sudden the glass broke and the shark came falling out of the tank.
The shark was literally in my living room and my moms daycare kid, C., goes running by and the shark eats her. Everyone starts freaking out and then all of a sudden we were no longer in my living room. We were in this bunker like room [kinda like Supernatural, but not]. Anyways (Ed) and I are in this bunker and we are trying to figure out how to get C. out of the shark. So I take this giant butcher knife and cut the side of the shark and C. literally come crawling out of the shark like the girl from the ring. C. stands up and runs out of the room. And the shark is still alive some how and now he is trying to eat us.
I run out of the bunker leaving (Ed) behind but I can hear him yelling for help as the cut open shark ate him. And that is when I woke up.

It was because of this dream that I started to realize that I'm mentally insane

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!! 🦃

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