The Dark

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The Dark

A Short Horror Story by James Henry

               The dark. Our greatest enemy. Our greatest fear. As humans, naturally, we fear the dark. It may be a primal instinct, to get to shelter before the sun sets. But maybe it’s more. For 5 year old Carter Jones, it sure is.  Once the sun sets, she doesn’t leave her room. Not even for dinner, in the cold months, when the sun sets at 4 p.m. She doesn’t let anyone in. Michelle Jones, her mother, assumes it’s a phase, like most 5 year olds have, and it will pass within a month.

Except it doesn’t.

2 months.

3 months.

           Now it’s been almost half a year.

              “I just don’t know! I’ve been thinking of sending her to a therapist, but doctors say it’ll pass. But it hasn’t passed! Half a year, Lisa!” Michelle worried to her girlfriend, Lisa. Having only 26 and having no experience with children before, as well as being a single mother, Michelle is lost and confused.

               “I’m sure it’s fine, what harm is she doing?” Lisa patted Michelle’s shoulder awkwardly, having even less experience with children than her Michelle. Michelle sniffled.

               “I’m just worried, Liz. I don’t even know what she does in her room after dark. She can't sleep for 13 hours straight, can she?” Michelle pondered. Lisa’s eyes then lit up.

               “Michie! You just gave me a genius idea,” Lisa smirked, cogs turning in her head. Michelle cocked her head. “After dark, after she's asleep, how about we go in her room and check on her?”

               “I-I don’t know, Liz. I don’t want to disrespect my daughter…” Michelle stared off into the distance.

               “Well, her safety is more important than her privacy, is it not?” Lisa raised an eyebrow. Michelle sighed.

               “You’re right. We’ll go tonight.”

Carter waits in her room, for him to come, her friend. A man, in dark sunglasses and a black cloak. For him to come, and play with her. He can only visit at night, he says. After hearing of Michelle and Lisa’s plan, he turns to her.

“Carter, your mommy and Lisa are coming to play. Are you ready to show them your surprise?”

In the dark of the room, Carter nods.

               That night, the two lovers snuck towards Carter's room. They were both full of fear, for an unknown reason. Michelles eyes darted back and forth and Lisa’s body was tense. Michelle put her hand on the door knob.

               “You sure about this?” Lisa whispered. Michelle nodded shakily, and opened the door to see…


               No Carter in sight. All of her toys were all over the place, scattered, with… claw marks?!

               “CLAW MARKS?!” Michelle screeched, her mind racing at the idea of a horrible monster, one who had taken and hurt her BABY, her child, the one she raised. Lisa’s mouth was agape, staring with awe at the room.


Michelle looked around the room, til she turned to Lisa,who was staring at the ceiling.

               “Liz?” Michelle whispered, praying the animal wasn't still in the room. Lisa slowly, shakily, pointed her finger to the ceiling.

               Michelle looked up, and screamed.

               Carter, with her thousands of teeth, and jaw that stretched down to her torso, and entirely black eyes, screamed back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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