10. halloween

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-wants to go trick or treating
-dresses up as a 1950s greaser
-you wear a poodle skirt and a camisole with a bomber jacket to match
-ends up getting tons of candy
-eats most of it that night
-sugar rush
-sugar crash
-falls asleep in the middle of the floor

-wants to hand out candy to trick or treaters
-his face lights up when he hears the doorbell ring
-loves seeing the kids' costumes
-ends up going trick or treating when the candy he bought to pass out is all gone
-you steal one of his flannels and go as bill
-he goes as richie

-wants to be mature and give out candy this year
-ends up getting bored with it
-locks the front door and turns all the lights off
-takes you into the living room to eat the candy that was supposed to be for trick or treaters
-"i'm gonna get so fat but i don't even care right now to be honest"

-wants to stay in and watch scary movies
-goes to redbox to get them
-brings popcorn
-hides behind you at the scary parts of the movies
-spills popcorn during a jump scare
-holds your hand under the blanket
-lots of snuggles
-falls asleep on you

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