Jesus strep throat part 3

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Day 0 - 5:17 PM

Alright, we're home, said Lena as she opened the front door, letting Jesus and Stef in first. Brandon, Mariana, and Katherine joined them in the foyer. Holy crap, dude. Your face, gawked Brandon. Jesus' lower half was swollen; he had an ice pack bandaged around his chin. As much as he wanted to respond, he knew that trying to talk was a bad idea. Instead, he started toward the stairs, his moms following him. He just wanted to lie down. He did, onto his back, mostly sitting up. Are you gonna try to sleep? Stef wondered. Jesus gave the slightest of nods. He'd been given more pain meds before being discharged, which made him feel out of it. Ok, we'll try some meds and fluids when you wake up. Lena turned on the humidifier for him so that his mouth and throat wouldn't dry out while he slept. If you need me to come over again to watch Jesus, I'd be fine with that, Katherine said as Lena handed her money. Get, we'll let you know. I'm gonna get home. Bye, Mariana. Bye, Brandon. Bye see ya. Once Katherine left, the four of them had sandwiches for dinner, something quick and easy. It had been a long day and there were going to be challenges ahead in keeping Jesus as comfortable and pain-free as possible. Brandon snickered at the baby monitor that Stef placed on the counter. That's for Jesus? he chuckled. So, we can hear when he's awake. He's still too out of it to text us. She turned it on and could hear his heavy, even breaths. After they ate, Brandon and Mariana went to their rooms and Stef and Lena relaxed with some TV, taking the monitor with them to the living room. Jesus woke up after 8, more coherent, but feeling sore as the medicine was wearing off. Stef and Lena knew that it was important for them to stay ahead of the pain instead of waiting for symptoms to appear. They decided to follow the doctor's advice and alternate doses of liquid acetaminophen and liquid ibuprofen every three hours as long as Jesus was awake. They brought him the medicine and water to try first, along with some crushed ice. Jesus couldn't open his mouth very widely, but he was able to swallow the pain medication, even though it hurt. He tried a few small sips of water, but preferred the ice, letting it melt in his mouth before attempting to swallow. Good, Jesus. Good, Lena said, taking the empty cup from him. Keeping Jesus hydrated would lessen his pain and help him heal faster. They had to make sure to stay on top of his fluid intake. Can we get you anything else? Stef asked him. Jesus looked down to his feet and wiggled his toes. Some socks? Sure thing. Stef found a pair of thick socks in Jesus' dresser and put them on his bare feet. Better? Jesus nodded. Just rest, that's your only job right now. Text us if you need us. Jesus gave them a thumbs-up and closed his eyes. So far, so good, Lena sighed as the two of them went back downstairs. They checked on him before they went to bed about an hour later, early for a Saturday night.



Day 1 - 12:08 AM

A text to Stef's phone woke them around midnight. She went to Jesus' room to give him medicine, the ibuprofen this time. How's your pain, bud? He held up five fingers. Not too bad, right? He shook his head. Good, Have some more water ice, he texted her. Stef obliged him, bringing him some from the kitchen and going back to bed. Jesus was awake again by 4, in considerably more pain. His whimpers could be heard over the monitor. Stef went to him. What hurts, Jesus? Throat hurts to swallow, this sucks. I bet it does. We're gonna do our best to manage it. After giving Jesus his medicine, Stef refilled the water compartment of the humidifier, making sure that it would keep running all night. Is the humidifier helping? He nodded, good. Jesus had a harder time falling back to sleep, the pain exhausting him, but keeping him awake. He felt so uncomfortable. Stef could hear him changing positions over the monitor and hoped he'd be sleeping again soon. His medicine kicked in and he slept, although fitfully, until 7. Lena let Stef sleep, tending to Jesus, whose comfort level was about the same. She and Stef decided to sleep in, knowing Brandon and Mariana could make their own breakfast. When they got up around 10, Jesus was still asleep. Thank you for being quiet, Lena said to her son and daughter who were watching TV in the living room. Jesus is gonna be sleeping a lot; you told us, like, a thousand times, Brandon shrugged. We're not that mean, Mama. Plus, you'd ground us until forever, Mariana agreed. A week, maybe, she smirked. Forever, if Mom had her way. Watch it, Miss Thing, Stef said, not truly serious, as she passed through on her way to the kitchen.

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