Halloween Special

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Just somethin' fun for the holiday. Nothing serious or long and not really pertaining to the story line. Hope ya like it.

The next day came and I woke up to Quill and (Y/N) running around throwing up crazy decorations. "What the hell are you two idiots doing?" I scratched my chest and yawned as I watched (Y/N) hang some decorations of pumpkins with faces on them.

"We're decorating for Halloween!" She said cheerily as she jumped down from the stool.

"Hallowhat?" I scrunched my face up.

"Halloween! It's an Earth holiday where people dress up in costumes and go around to people's houses for candies. People also get together and tell scary stories about ghosts and things." Quill supplied.

"Oh. That sounds like a dumb holiday if you ask me. I thought you told me once people aren't supposed to take candy from strangers and now you're telling me that it's okay to do that on this holiday? People on Earth make no sense." I told Quill.

Quill looked disgruntled at my question. "It's not okay to take candy from random people on the streets- nevermind. It's a fun holiday and we're celebrating it!"

I shrugged. "Whatever you say, dude."

(Y/N) was still running around with decorations in her arms and Quill put on a goofy looking mask and started walking around like a doofus. Drax picked up a pair of bunny ears from a box and put them on his head. "LOOK! I look just like him!" He said with a hearty laugh and pointed at me.

"I look nothing like that." I defended. "Besides, what's the point?"

"The point is to have fun." (Y/N) came up behind me and put something on my head. I yanked it off and saw that they were two little horns. "What are these things supposed to be?"

"Devil horns! Because you're always bad." She said.

"If I'm a devil what's that make you?" I asked her.

"An angel!" She smiled then skipped off with more decorations.

I tossed the horns aside and sat down in a chair. "Can I just go blow up a moon or point and laugh at people on the streets?"

"NO!" Quill and (Y/N) said in unison. "We're gonna tell scary stories."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I'm sure I'll be scared outta my suit."

We sat around for hours amongst skeletons, skulls, pumpkins, spiders and cobwebs while sharing and listening to each other's stories. I gotta say, some of the stories were pretty good and others were just lame as hell. We shared laughs and ate some Terran candy that was actually pretty decent.

Groot even munched on a few but I didn't let him eat too many. Gamora was her usual self, taking everything in and only commenting when necessary. I could tell she was unsure about the whole thing. Drax was all into it and kept asking Quill and (Y/N) questions about the holiday.

Honestly? I was glad that (Y/N) had a distraction to keep her occupied from grilling me about the bar fight. I looked around at the decorations and decided that she did a good job with them. Some of them were kinda funny. Like that plastic bird skeleton smoking a cigar and the person skeleton reading one of Quill's magazines.

Pumpkin lights gave off a soft orange glow throughout the common room. I turned my attention back to my friends who started playing a card game. I wasn't familiar with the holiday, but maybe it wasn't so bad after all.

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