Ch. 14 The Letter (Yo Pov)

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Never did I think in the whole world that I would find happiness again but being here with Ming and Forth brings my heart at ease. They both cared for me and did whatever I couldn't do while I'm in my current state.

Looking at the time it's been a while since both Forth and Ming have gone off to work. I told them they should go back already and stop worrying about me. I didn't want them missing another day. They tried to object but I said I'll be fine and that I'm stuck at home what else could I do? Plus my parents always have guards and at least two are on the grounds at all times.

They reluctantly agreed but said that they would contact Beam and Kit to come over because they didn't want me to be alone although I really wasn't. I couldn't argue since I actually would need help doing certain things.

I hear the doorbell go off.

"I'm coming!" I yell.

I wheeled myself to the front door and opened it.

"Hey Yo!" Beam and Kit said in unison.

"HI!" I cheered.

"Sorry to inconvenience you guys during your visit here," I said.

"Don't say that Yo. We're here to visit friends and family and well you are our friend and kind of family because we love you!" Beam says while ruffling my hair.

"Yeah Yo Beam is right!" Kit says cheerfully.

LOVE?! I thought hmm maybe not like that. I'm just overthinking it.

"Soooooo Yo ... What do you wanna do?" Beam asked.

"I dunno? We could just sit and talk to catch up." I replied.

"Nah that's boring as hell!" Beam said "Let's do something scandalous. Like truth or dare." He continued.

"Sure I'm up for it!" I cheered.

"Sure I don't mind either." Kit shrugged.

We head to the living room and sat on the couches surrounding the coffee table. They asked if I needed help to move from the wheelchair to the couch but I refused because I don't always want to be dependent on others.

I was at one end and Beam and Kit were direct across from me at the other.

"Okay, who should go first?" Beam asks.

"I'll go first!" I said hastily.

"Truth," I say.

"Who do you want to ask you?" Beam asked

"Uhm Kit," I reply.

"Hmmmmm" Kit goes "Who's hotter Beam or Me?" Kit smirks.

"Uhhhhh." I go unable to think clearly.

Beam stares wide-eyed at Kit and glares at him right after.

Thinking about it for a bit I honestly think they are both hot, but...

"I think Beam. No offense Kit but I think you're more adorable." I answer.

Beam smiles proudly at my answer while Kit just pouts and... Blushes? Nah I'm just imagining it. 

"I'll go next. Dare and I want my Kitty to give me a dare." Beam says

"Hmmm. I dare you to give me a lap dance!" Kit laughed.

"Gladly." Beam said winking at Kit.

Kit's eyes widened as Beam started rubbing his body against Kit. The lap dance continued for a minute and started getting a bit too heated.


"Get a room, guys," I say laughing but blushing as well! My face is all red as I hide my eyes. This is a lot for me and makes me feel a bit hot but not uncomfortable. What am I thinking maybe I'm just a bit uhm excited...

"S-sorry Yo." Kit goes

"I uhhhh pick truth and want Yo to give it to me." Kit said.

"Hmmm. Do you have a kink?" I asked curiously.

"NO!" He answered quickly but Beamed eyed him questioningly.

"Kit baby? Why are you lying? You have a ... mmmphmmmmpppph..." Beam goes but gets quickly silenced by Kit.

"Tell him and no sex for a year and I mean it! Got it?" Kit scolds.

Beam only nods and keeps quiet as Kit removes his hands.

"You're no fun Kit!" Beam says as he sticks his tongue out.

"Want me to cut your tongue out too?" Kit lashes back.

I could only laugh at their antics. These two are so weird but I feel right in place with them just like when I am with Forth and Ming. Kit can also be really scary at times.

Our game continued on for about an hour until I got tired. Yeah, it's only been an hour but sitting down all day hurts, and laying down helps me relax.

"I'm gonna go to bed for now guys. Help yourselves with whatever you guys want. Wake me up when Ming and Forth are back." I ask.

"Can do!" They say in unison.

I wheel myself back to my room. As I open the door I noticed that the balcony's sliding door was open.

Hmmm I didn't leave it open, did I?

I went to the door and stuck my head outside. Nope, no one.

Hmm, maybe I did.

I then stuck my head back in and shut the door close. I wheeled myself around and noticed a letter on my desk. It was white and a heart sealed it close.

Was this from Forth or Ming?

I opened up and looked at the contents:

To my dearest Yo, It's been a while since I last saw you but don't worry I'll see you soon. You ruined me and now I will ruin you! I will get rid of those you love so much. I didn't know you were such a whore. However, I have a deal. I will come and see you sometime soon. I am going to take you with me. So I want you to bring all the valuables you can along with you. No one will know where we go but don't worry I won't hurt you when I take you. One I need you alive and Two I miss having something to fuck. Tell anyone about this and not only are you dead but the ones you love as well. I will need your answer. You can text me or call me since you know my number. Love you!

From the one and only P'Pha!

I was shocked and I couldn't believe it. I wanted to throw up at reading its contents.

Was this really from him? Whatever the case is I need to go through with this. I don't want them to get hurt. I need to protect them as they did me!

I hid the letter in the desk drawer. I grab out my phone and text him.

To Phana: I'll do it.

From Phana: Perfect. I'll contact you again about when and where. In the meantime get better for me my love. I can't wait to hear your screams. ;)

I cringed at his words. His words made me feel sick to my stomach when looking at them. I put my phone down and headed back to the bed. I lift myself out and onto the bed.

I need some rest. This is too much to handle.

I lay my head down and I drift off to sleep.....

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