Chapter Eight: Water

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“Okay, that’s it. My throat is killing me.” He said, frustrated as he rubbed his neck.

Amy placed a glass of water on his nightstand “So would that be the poison or the flu?” she asked.

“Um . . . flu probably” he said distracted “What that?”

“Water.” Amy said.

He looked at it “Why?”

“Well, the other glass got warm so I got you some with ice in it.”

“No. Amy, no.”

She exhaled, letting out her frustration “If you don’t take a sip of that water right now, I will pour it on your head.”

“If I drink that water it might make me –“

“Feel better.” She smiled, at the same time knowing the Doctor didn’t like people finishing his sentences “It might just make you feel better.”

He frowned like a little kid “It won’t.”

“This time, you need to trust me.” She put the glass in his hands “Drink it.”

He slowly brought to cup up to his mouth and sipped the cool liquid, swallowing harshly with the pain in his throat . . . and the taste. “That,” he said “is NOT water.”

“Yes it is!” Amy paused for a moment “Mostly . . .”

“Mostly? Pond, what the hell are you trying to do to me!”

She shrugged “The TARDIS gave it to me. I thought it was tasteless.”

“What’s it supposed to do?” he seemed to be asking the TARDIS more than Amy.

“I think it’s supposed to get rid of the poison.” Amy felt as if she was interrupting the conversation going on between the Doctor and the TARDIS.

“And this flu?” he was still talking to the time machine “What do you mean you didn’t think I was stupid enough to get sick? You should always have the sick bay prepared!”

“Okay Doctor, “Amy said “Could you actually talk to me now?”

“If this stuff actually works  . . . I’m still going to be sick, with the flu, I mean.”

Amy nodded “Okay, well then sleep.”

“Oh c’mon!”


Amy smiled at the Doctor. He finally had a chance to get some peaceful sleep.  It sounded to Amy that the poison was almost gone. His breathing had become more even and he wasn’t waking up to cough nearly as often. But he was still sick, and she was still going to take care of him. She found slight pleasure in finally being able to watch over him instead of the usual way around now that she knew there was nothing serious wrong with him, although she did want him well again, and soon. She missed his radiating energy as he ran around the console room saying nonsense words and explaining things too fast for Amy to understand. Over-all, she missed the real Doctor.

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