Chapter 6: This Is What Happens When You Try To Break Down My Door.

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When someone tells you someone else is trying to break down the door of your house, you would be pretty freaked out, but for Bailey, it was 20 times worse. It could have been anyone, the police, employers that weren't happy with what they got. Bailey ripped off her headphones, grabbed Tanners wrist and dragged him to another door in the basement. She put her hand on the door, and it sunk into the floor. She shoved Tanner in and placed her hand on a pad on the inside of the room and the door raised back up and solidified, making it look like there wasn't a door there in the first place.

Tanner looked around. "What is this place?"

"A safe room." Bailey responded looking around. She found whatever she was looking for and pulled it out.

"Why do you have an inhaler?" Tanner asked looking at the object in Baileys hand. She ignored him.

It wasn't an inhaler, but a button which Bailey proceeded to push. The back wall opened up to reveal an array of different weapons.

She looked at Tanner. "Do you know how to shoot a gun?"

"I know how to shoot a bow and arrow."

Bailey sighed. "Alright. Come here." She motioned toward him. She pulled a bow and a quiver of arrows off the wall and handed it to him. She pulled off, what looked like a knife holder and grabbed a knife which looked strangely like on from CS:GO.

She put the knife in the holder, strapped it in and tossed it towards Tanner. She grabbed a bag and tossed that to him as well. "There are clothes in there, put them on and meet me back here." She pointed to the bathroom. "Go over there."

Tanner was in no position to argue, he didn't really know what was going on, so he was just going to listen to Bailey. While, Tanner was in the bathroom changing, and trying to figure out how to strap the belt with the knife on, Bailey was grabbing her own weapons.

      She changed quickly into a black hoodie, leggings, leggings and running shoes, then grabbed a holster for her pistol and strapped it in. She grabbed a couple of throwing knives and tucked them into her belt. She grabbed a bo staff and strapped it on her back as Tanner was walking out of the bathroom, with the bow in his hands.

     "Can you explain to me what's going on?"

     "No." Bailey put ammo and some food in her bag and slung it on her back. She held her hand out. "Give me your bag."

Tanner obeyed and handed her the bag. Bailey reached inside and pushed a button the bag shrunk into a small pouch. She handed it back to him.

Tanner looked at the pouch. "What the hell am I supposed to put in this?"

    "You can fit as much as you want in it. It doesn't run out of space. It's one of a kind so don't lose it."

     "Why are you letting me use it?"

     "It's my way of letting you know I trust you... in a way... because you need to trust me. Whoever's out there, were going to have to kill them, and I need you to trust me."


    "Unless you know who's trying to break down my door, we have to kill them."

    "I saw there face."

     "WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SO! What did they look like?"

     "They had on a... a suit and sunglasses, like some sort of spy, and then they had brownish hair an-"

     "Shit. Come on." Bailey grabbed Tanners wrist again, and dragged him out a door, which led to a stairwell. "Oh and by the way, we're going on the run now."

     "What?!" Tanner yelled before he was pulled out the door.

    Bailey turned around. "Stay here. Don't. Make. A. Sound."

    Tanner nodded as Bailey ran off.


Bailey ran to the front of her house making no sound what so ever. She climbed up a tree and looked down, to see "him" the man that had ruined her life. He was the one who made her parents leave her, the one who... oh it didn't matter. He wasn't even the one, just a hit man. But that didn't matter.

She threw one of her knives at his foot to distract him, and then jumped down from the tree with another knife in her hand. She put the cold metal on his neck.

"You deserve a much more painful death than this. Consider yourself lucky." And with that she slit his throat. As his body slumped to the floor, Bailey blew her red hair out of her face. "This is what happens when you try to break down my door."

She grabbed her knives and walked back towards Tanner.



Hey guys! *waves* I know nobody ever reads these (I sure don't when I read other people's stories) but I just wanted to say, thank for your support, I really appreciate, and I will try to update more often, I just can't find the inspiration to write much at the moment, I'm swamped with school, karate, and friends. (Love em tho). Thanks for reading. 💚💚

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