Chapters 1

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Amelia looked over and realized what time it was this morning. She still didn't get the acceptance letter from the college that she wanted to go to, with everyday she has become more and more anxious.

Getting up she ran through her house and slowed down for a second trying to catch her breath from her nervousness. After catching her breath amelia ran the rest of the way almost running into a wall.She ran into her living room with ragged breaths." Have they..?"

With a sigh from the grey couch, her mom turned to look at her." I haven't checked the mail yet today, you should though." Her mom turned back around and focused her attention on trying to find a movie on the TV.

"That means i have to go outside and it's dumping cats and dogs," Amelia whined with a groan, turned around, and stomped back to her room. She paused midway to take a minute to look at the pictures on the hallway walls; they were in order from when she was about the age of five till the last picture day at school from last year. Her dad wasn't in any of the pictures- he was a sensitive topic- so she chose not to ask her mom about it.

She laughed at the picture from her year in 4th grade. The wind had been heavy that day and she had lost a tooth all within a few hours. She was a complete mess but she had a big heart-melting smile that showed how proud she was of her lost tooth.

Tearing her eyes away from the picture, she ran up to her room to search for some socks and shoes. Although she had grown up trusting her mom, she had no memories of anything before the age of 5.

For the millionth time, she tried searching in her mind for something but it was all fogged over and gave her an unbearable headache that she couldn't rid of.

As if trying to walk through the fog in her mind for a minute, she thought that she had seen or heard screaming, and a young man telling her to forget everything in her childhood, as if he had the power to control her mind.

"Amelia, you okay?" Her mom asked from behind her, forcing her back to reality. Never in her life had Amelia ever seen those memories and she was very surprised to even get anything out of that little mini meditation if she could even call it that.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. Thank you, though,"Amelia reassured her mom. I'll just have to figure it out later, I need to know if I got the letter or not, keep your head in the game, Amelia, no time to screw around. Remember, you still have to finish that essay. She thought to herself almost yelling in her head.

Stopping in her doorway, she scanned her room spotting her blue Levis sitting next to her bookshelf. Picking them up, she sauntered over to the small trunk, that she conveniently kept all of her clothes in and pulled out a pair of socks: they were black with a yellow stripe on the ankle. After slipping the socks on she slid over to her shoes and pulled them on, not bothering to untie them.

Looking out of her bedroom window, she spotted the mail truck a few houses down from hers. The wait was killing her as the mail truck finally closed in on her mailbox. Turning from the window, the small pitter patter of her cats' paws filtered into the room as if searching for attention.

"Hello, Tux. Would you like a treat or for a scratch behind your ears? After all, I am at your service." Amelia giggled while treating him like a king, even though he was in their house. Since her mom had not dated anyone, she gave the role to him.

Walking over to the treat jar sitting on her desk, Amelia turned the lid slightly watching Tux jump onto the desktop only to stand and look at the jar patiently. "Tux, you know the procedures, sit," Amelia demanded shaking her finger in a downward motion, telling Tux to sit.

Obeying, he sat down but instead of looking at the treat like usual he looked past her at a figure standing in the doorway. Turning her head, there was no-one there but she could see a blonde haired figure standing in the corner of her eyes. Taking it as a ghost that was a creep in the past life she dropped the treat in front of Tux and closed the jar with a small click as she turned to go get the mail and - hopefully - her life want (and wish) for several years.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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