New Hampshire~01

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‼️important‼️ if u haven't read "hold my hand ; fillie" you won't understand this book‼️‼️‼️‼️

Hey beauties! First actual chap! comment if u enjoy.... ARE YOU READY?!!?!

Millie's pov

I woke up to the smell of an old car, and men's cologne.
The windows were fogged, and I couldn't see outside, but I could hear an occasional car passing us on the highway. The air in the misty car felt wet and cold against my pale winter skin. My dark wavy hair that I hadn't gotten the chance to cut for a while, fell over my mouth and down my neck protecting me from the damp air.

I decided to sit up. Slowly I raised my sprawled body and sat up against the back seat. I turned my head to the window and brought my small finger up to it. I pressed the tip of my finger against the window. Cold to the touch, it had made the tip of my finger numb in a matter of seconds. I drew a small heart then erased it with the end of my sleeve revealing the outside world.

A winter wonderland some people would call it... but I thought it was just depressing. We had parked in an abandoned gas station next to a highway somewhere in New Hampshire. The snow a gray slush that had frozen over night.

"Good morning princess" I heard finn say from the front seat, his morning voice was attractive in a way. I smiled and turned towards him. He was putting his seat back up from the position it was in before.

"Good morning" I leaned up towards him and gave him a peck on the cheek. I shed the layer of blankets I had wrapped around my body as Finn jumped into the back seat with me.

"Day eleven" I whispered to myself, making a mental note.

"What?" He smiled at me, he had a goofy smile on his face as he pulled a yellow sweater over his bed head. So cute.

"Nothing, I love your cute morning smiles" I cooed grabbing one of his hoodies from the floor and slipping it over my head.

"Well, I love you" he said moving closer to me

"I love you too Finn, don't you think we should get going if we want to get to Concord by lunchtime" I said tucking a piece of hair behind my ear as he got closer

"This is more important" he said before connecting our lips. Our chapped lips melted together and I suddenly wasn't cold anymore.
My black and white world becoming colorful is how I feel every time our lips touch.

Disconnecting and reconnecting, our lips danced together in slow motion. He pulled away slowly letting the warmth linger in the air before the cold hit me once again.

"You are perfect Wolfhard" I said smiling and hopping into the front passenger seat

"I'm perfect? No no, you're the perfect one princess" he said as he jumped into the driver's seat, my cheeks ached from smiling so much.


"So if we really really drive, we can get to my uncle's house by tomorrow morning" Finn said as we sat down for lunch

"Uncle Tommy has a house in New Hampshire?" I asked confused

"No not uncle Tommy" he laughed

"My uncle on my mom's side" he finished, he stopped smiling probably from the thought of his mother.

"Oh cool, I didn't know you had another uncle" I said to him as a waiter came and dropped some menus off at our table

"Yeah well, he was never too fond of me, or my mom, or my dad" Finn said as he took off his beanie and set it in the seat beside him. He shook his hair out a little making it even more crazy than it already was.

"And he's letting us stay with him?"

Finn scrunched up his face and clicked his tongue

"That's the thing" he ran his fingers threw his hair

My eyebrows furrowed together

"He doesn't know we are coming" he finished

"He doesn't- what? Finn! We can't just barge into your uncle's house and demand him to let us stay with him" I slammed my hand down on the table, not too hard.

"We won't be there for long, at most one night, I just need something from him" he said putting his hands up in defense

"The plan was we were gonna stay there for a few weeks Finn! What do you want from him?! What happened to the plan?! I thought he knew" I said whispering the last part

"Princess don't be mad, it will make sense at some point, but for now it's a surprise" he reached over and put his hand on mine.

"Finn! You can't do that, we aren't in high school anymore. This is real life and you don't keep secrets from your partner" I said ripping my hand away from his


He hadn't called me my full name in a while so I was slightly shocked

"It's a good surprise, don't think about it as a secret, keep your voice down though.. we don't want to call any attention to us"

I stared at him with a stare that would make anyone pee their pants but somehow Finn kept a warm smile of his face

I couldn't stay mad at him "I'm sorry, I know. I love you, and I trust you" I let a breath out

"It's okay, we have stayed out of social services clutches so far" he said as he looked around the practically empty diner

"I think it's cause' my hair is getting so long no one knows it's me" I giggled knowing that that wasn't the reason they weren't finding us

"Maybe we can get hair cuts soon" he joked as I reached over to his hand that laid gently on the table and grabbed it interlacing our frosty fingers

"I don't know, I'm really feeling your long curls" I said smiling at him, our moment was interrupted by a tall waitress that was chewing her gum quite obnoxiously.

"Hello my name is Iris and I'll be your server today" she finished as her blonde pony tail waved behind her head. Finn and I looked at each other recognizing the name, then at Iris.

"Iris? Its Finn."

"And Millie"

First chapo, comment if u r enjoying it! Again you won't understand the story if u haven't read "hold my hand ; fillie"

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