Chapter Five

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"Nicole!" My mom yells through my door.

"What," I groan. I'm exhausted, we didn't get home until 3 am last night.

"It's time to get ready for school," she says.

I climb out of my bed and I take a shower. I let my hair air dry so my natural curls come in and I apply mascara. In Omaha, it's a bit chilly, so I wear skinny jeans with a cardigan, a scarf, and a print shirt underneath. I put a pair of toms on and grab my bag.

I brush my teeth, put deodorant on, and spray perfume. When I run downstairs I kiss my mom on the cheek and I go to my car.

I drive to Jack Gilinsky's house and honk. He runs outside eating a piece of toast and gets in the passenger seat.

"Morning," I say.

"Good morning," he says with his mouth full.

I drive to Johnson's house and honk. He runs outside and gets in the back seat.

"I'm so tired," I say.

"Me too," Johnson says. There's tiny bags underneath his eyes.

We get to our school and I park in my normal spot.

"I'll see you guys third block," Gilinsky says to me and Jack and runs inside.

Me and Jack Johnson have first and second block together, we all have third together, and me and Gilinsky have fourth together.

We walk to my locker first and I put my bag and jacket in my locker. I walk with Johnson to his locker and he does the same as well. We both walk to our math class and get there before the bell.

I text durning class all the time because our teacher doesn't care.

From: Gilinsky 😜
This class is so boring.

I reply: This one is too. What are we doing after school?

Gilinsky 😜: I don't know. Bart told me about this app called younow and maybe we can try it.

Reply: what kind of app is it?

Gilinsky 😜: its like Skype, but you're not talking to anyone, people are just watching you and commenting things.

Reply: oh. Sounds cool. When is the next Magcon?

Gilinsky 😜: two weeks from now. I'm pretty sure it's in Chicago.

Reply: Can't wait. ☺️ give me a shoutout on twitter.

Gilinsky: Okay, I will after this class. Bye. 😘

Reply: Bye 😘

"Jack," I whisper.

"What was that, Nicole?" The teacher asks me.

"Oh, uh, the answer is 2," I make up in my head.

The teacher stares at me with a surprised expression and says, " you're right."

Everyone just stares at me, including Jack.

"You got lucky," Jack laughs.

The bell rings and the halls are filled with students. When I walk by, people stare at me and give me dirty looks.

Some jocks and preps try talking to Jack. They've never talked to him before, but now that he's vine famous everyone wants to be his friend. They're using him for his fame. Jack realizes this, so he ignores them every time.

"Nicole," I hear Gilinsky yell behind me.

"Hey," I say.

"I have to run to science, I'll see you guys next block," he says and walks up the stairs.

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