Stuck Underwater

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The funny thing about trust and friendship is that it can either make your world so much brighter and safe.
It can make your world dark and heartbroken.

You never know when the one you trust most is going to walk away and leave you shattered like a simple bottle that's been thrown at a tree just for the fun of it.

Never stop loving is what they say
but is it worth the cost? The cost of being destroyed?

No matter how long, no matter how many times you've been there for each other, no matter how many times they say they will never leave.

It still happens.

You find things, people, anything you can to fill the hole. Trying desperately to find a reason to trust someone with the things you shared with the ones before. A reason to let someone else in.

It's like your underwater, you know you're going to drown if you stay too long but it's so nice in that moment of bliss where you don't feel anything at all. Those first couple minutes of not quite believing yet being in utter shock.

When you reach the surface it all comes crashing back, the noise, the pain, the frustration. And then you have to deal with it, deal with the feeling of betrayal and unbearable sadness. Your heart sinking somehow lower in you chest, a bit heavier then before.

So you have to sit and ponder, when did they stop caring about me?

Will they turn into the people they said they would never be?

What happens next?

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