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I sat down idly on the wooden deck. Watching the waves below me crash into the beast. It has only been a day at sea and all so far has been going swell, jobs are getting done and Rebel isn't making my life difficult which I'm truly grateful for.

My gaze everted over to rebel who was tying up one of the sails with the help of one of the crew members. I couldn't help but smile at my idiotic bestfriend. Sometimes she isn't always an idiot and I like to take in the sight of those rare times.

I felt free out here, away from Kingston, away from my parents. I felt like that city was a cage of which I was imprisoned inside. Moments like this is what I live for. The freedom, the fresh air, the seas. It doesn't get any better then this.

"Oi! Tricky come help me will ye!" I turned my attention back to rebel to see she was left with the sails causing me to snicker and walk over offering her a hand without a word. I grasped the rope and began to pull at the thick material with the back strength of Rebel watching the sheet slowly close causing the boat to slow down along the calm waters.

"So...when we're in Havana what are we going to do?" Rebel whispered tying the rope that controlled that sheet of the sail to the many posts, the wind whistling by us as the night began to fall. I couldn't help but loose myself to the thoughts, what would we do once in Havana?.

"Find a tavern and enjoy the festivities of no heavy loading"

"Aye! Now ain't that grand" I couldn't help but shake my head at Rebels contagious laugh, my gaze everted around me seeing that most the crew were gone except for the right hand who stayed behind the wheel.

I sighed and moved away from Rebel and lent against the railing, watching the waves ripple against the old wood of the ships, below just being a dark abyss. It was peaceful, no other ship in sight and no signs of storms, it might just be our luck.

"Well I don't know about Ye, but I'm going to call it a night" Rebels hand gently patted my shoulder before walking over to the hatch leading to the crews quarters leaving me to my thoughts in the late night.

Will I always be a cargo sailor? Like don't get me wrong the pay is good and it won't get me killed by officers in cities's lacking the excitement I crave. When I thought of sailing I thought it'd be an adventure, now it's just routine.

I want more then just an average life, I want a challenging one. One I'll love.


The morning began in bliss, crew singing and scrubbing away at the deck, as I spent it against the railing in thought. I'm someone who likes to think, I could spend hours in my thoughts and I like it that way.

"Jaysus shortie did ye sleep at all" I snickered and looked at Rebel who stood there still rubbing the sleep from their eyes.

"Eh, I did. Not for long though but that doe-"

"CAPTAIN PIRATES!!" Everyone turned their heads to see a decent sized Frigate sailing its way towards us, the crimsons sails standing out like a sore thumb, and of course the cliche black flag with the painted white skull.

Almost at in instant everyone on deck began to run to the canons, readying to protect the cargo as rebel and I began to untie the sail, maybe we could try and out run it.

All that could be heard was the sound of cannon fire as the giant led balls began to simultaneously smash into the side of the boat causing sailors and parts of the boat to go flying into the water below.

The sound of screams and blasts of cannons was all that could heard over this side of the ocean.

I bolted over to the nearest canon and began to reload with shaky hands and fired at the frigate which grew closer and closer with each fire, I could just make out the captain behind the wheel, usually when I thought pirates I thought of I unhygienic men wearing ratty old clothes and constantly drink. But this man. He was different.

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