Innocent Fading

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Elly was walking on the side walk she saw a drunk women with a blond hair wearing a black shirt, black shorts,  black sandals and holding a bottle of beer while walking towards Elly. The women looked down at Elly admiring the little girl's fresh pale skin and the women asked her "Are you lost little girl?" Elly replied tilting her head with tears on her eyes "no?"

The women invited Elly to her house, Elly accepted it without hesitation. After 10 minutes they arrived on a old house full of holes and dirty molds designing out side the house. Elly felt disgusted.

The women apologize to the little girl because of her messy house. The women opened the door revealing a drunk man staring at Elly and then he gaze his eyes to the women, the man questioned, "What the fuck did you bring now?" the women replied smirking "Isn't it obvious? it's a little girl tch!" the women rolled her eyes.

"We are already poor and you expect yourself to feed that girl, a food that is enough for the two of us! What if that girl has parents?" the man shouted

"Oh shut up Marco!!" the women leading Elly to a room " little girl stay here ok?". Elly nodded and sat on the bed, the women walked out of the room.

Elly waited,  because of her curiosity she peeked on a hole, she saw the women on top of the man naked, their were naked.  Elly just continued watching them kissing, Elly saw everything, seeing the girl looked pleased while the man was doing something to the women, Elly felt something on her stomach that she hasn't felt before.

After the man and the women got dressed, Elly hurriedly run to the bed then the door opened slowly.

"little girl?" the women walked to the bed while the man walked with her.

"Sorry we took long we were settling our fight" the man smiled while rubbing the women's shoulder.

"What is your name little girl?" the women asked. "Elly, Elly Golding" Elly kicking her feet at the corner of the bed.

"My name is Mia" Mia smiled "and this is my husband Marco" Marco smiled.

When all of them went to bed the couple when to a different room of their own leaving Elly. Elly thinks that they are very nice to her, the way they act made Elly comfortable.

In the morning Elly woke up because of a girl shouting. "Elly!! come out and explain this?!" Elly heard Mia shouting her name, Elly hurriedly walked out of the room.

She saw Mia walking towards her in a angry face planted on Mia's face. Mia pulled Elly's hair roughly, Elly cried out loud while Marco was just sitting down on a chair drinking a bottle of beer.

Mia pushes Elly's sensitive face on a table, Elly was hurt.

"Explain this?!" she pulled Elly's hair so that Elly can see what's going on, Elly saw an empty drawer, she doesn't know what's happening.

"I don't know! I-I was just sleeping last night Mia!" Elly cried out. Marco walked to Mia and Elly, Marco took his belt and whipped Elly's butt and legs. Elly cried and shouted in pain, Marco whipped her for 6 minutes.

When Marco stopped, Elly's visions went black then she fainted. It was Elly's first time being treated like that.

After an hour she opened her eyes and found herself on a room where she slept before, she can see that it was already evening, she looked at her legs with red bruises.

When she was about to stand, she felt her left leg hurt, but she didn't mind it because can stand normally. She peeked at the hole where she peeked before but found no one, she went out of the room and found a food at the table.

She hasn't ate for the whole day, so she ate the food on the table leaving an empty plate.
She left the house and wondered on her own.

a/n: Sorry for the crappy story guys  ._. and for the grammars, i don't know English much and it is my very first time making a story. Please bare with me  ._.  sorry again *bows*

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