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"The beast." Murmurs coming from many people as they begin to crowd around us.

"The beast is dead." A woman, looking older than I, but not by much announces. Before rushing off, only to return moments later with someone in tow. An elder man approaches us, letting go of the woman's arm, leaning heavily on an old wooden cane, he's dressed in dust robes, that flow around him.

"Who are you?" The man asks us, I don't answer him, Lucy however does.

"Travellers, forgive my friend here." Friend? "He rarely speaks. I am Lucy, and this is Phil." Lucy tells the crowd, her voice loud enough to carry through the gathering of people.

"The beast? Is it truly dead?" The man questions, pointing to the pelt.

"Yes, the creature with the glowing red eyes is dead." Those gathered begin to cheer and some weep. The man before us raises his cane and the crowd quietens.

"Follow me." The man commands and turns around, Lucy walks after him, I pause for a moment before following as well. As we walk through the crowd people reach out to touch the pelt, as if they do not believe their eyes. The man leads us through the market, and too a small collection of tents, then into one of the still standing buildings. The inside is decorated like with flowing multi-colored drapes, no tables or chairs are in the room, only several large pillows on the floor. "I am Ivor." The man says before sitting down on one of the pillows and motions for us to sit down as well. Lucy doesn't hesitate to follow the command. I however stay standing, keeping a tight grip on my bow. "Your friend isn't very trusting." Ivor comments and Lucy laughs, I glare at the man. "How did you manage to kill the beast? We have sent countless to their deaths to try and take down the creature. Yet you, two strangers take it down."

"It was Phil, he shot it." Lucy tells him, who looks shocked.

"That's it?"

"Your warriors were probably killed before they could attack, or they did not land a blow that would kill it. There were many wounds on the beast, some should've killed it but didn't, only a shot to the head did. Are there more like it?"

"Nay, there was only the one. And now it is dead, tonight there shall be a feast in your honour. You must stay for it." Lucy looks at me, and I shake my head slightly.

"We'll stay, we also have some of the creatures meat, perhaps your village would want to cook that. So that everyone one knows that it is truly dead." I glare at her, how dare she offer our food, we don't know who these people are.

"No." I state out loud, the man looks shocked.

"Did you not say he could not speak?" The man questions

"I said he rarely speaks. Phil, it is polite to stay." Lucy answers, polite? Where did this girl come from to think that politeness will keep you alive out here? "We will stay." I glare at her, but concede none the less.

"Excellent." The man claps his hands and a young boy walks in. "If you just give the meat to this young lad then he can get it to the village cooks." Lucy takes the meat out of her bag, and I begrudgingly do the same, handing the wrapped meat to the boy.

"Is there somewhere we can rest?" Lucy asks. "The creature attacked us in the night, I fear Phil may not have gotten much sleep." I glare at her, what is she playing at. The man claps his hands again and a young girl enters the room.

"Take our heroes to a spare chamber to sleep." Ivor commands the girl, she bows her head, and gestures for us to follow her. I glare at Ivor as we leave. Lucy, however, thanks him for his hospitality. The girl leads us through broken halls, and up crumbling stairs to a room that overlooks the small settlement. The girl leaves us and I take in my surroundings, in the centre of the room is a large bed, covered with colourful blankets. There is no glass on the wall looking over the village, there is however a rusted pole that seems to have once been piping. The standing walls are blank except for a few candles mounted to them. Lucy falls down backwards onto the bed. I stare out at the village, a few people stare up at me as they go about their business. That's when I start to notice, there are no children. The only younglings that I have seen were the two that came when Ivor clapped. I take off my bag, and place my shot gun against the wall, I drape the pelt on over a chair sitting in the corner. I keep my bow and quiver though. I exit the room quietly, Lucy's fast asleep. I make my way out of the build and into the streets. People look at me and smile as I pass, some just stare. I make my way through the village, not once do I see a child. Sure there are some mothers nursing newborns, and some older children, close to adulthood, but no young children. I continue to look around, finding the place where the cooks are preparing the feast, then I find the livestock pens. I head back to the room, where Lucy still sleeps, even though I've been gone for a few hours now. I sit down on the chair, taking out some of the arrows and sharpening the heads on a small rock I carry around. I leave the ones with Glowbug blood on though, as I can still use those later. Once I'm finished I reload my pistol, and check my shot gun. Nothing seems to be out of place, although we seem to be low on food, we have enough water for a few more days, perhaps staying here for this feast is a good idea after all. I still don't trust this place, something just doesn't seem right. Lucy seems to trust Ivor, but then again, she seems to trust everyone. The girl in question starts to wake up, she sits up, looking well rested. She glances at me, staring as I sharpen my sword, using the same stone I used to sharpen the arrow heads.

"You know, this place seems nice." She continues to stare at me, when I don't respond. "You think differently?" I glance up, her eyes are still trained on me, I shift my eyes back down to the sword.

"Not safe." I tell her. "No children." She seems to think for a moment before shifting over to the window.

"But there were those two earlier. The two Ivor called." She states, I nod my head, agreeing with her.

"No other." I utter, she looks shocked and confused.

"Why not? Clearly they can't not have children. Can they?" I shrug, I go to speak but there is a knock at the door. Lucy opens it, Ivor himself is standing behind it.

"I'm here to talk you to the feast." He tells us, I place my sword into the scabbard and tie it around my waist. I swing my bow over my shoulder. "I'm sorry, but can you leave your bow here?" Ivor asks, I glare at the man, and shake my head, adjusting my quiver strap so that it hangs down by my side. "Very well." He states, clearly annoyed at my lack of compliance.

Walkers Of The Waste: A Post Apocalyptic StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang