Omg Rant

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NOT finna delete later bc I'll probs forget and I'm too lazy but um okay there's a list.

1. Men are allowed to show emotion. It's not that hard to let a guy be excited and super happy or crying because emotions are not a girl's thing.

2. Men are sexually harassed too! Omg! So overlooked but yes, that guy you saw pushing away that totally hot girl begging for sex or trying to show him her tits was being sexually harassed. Whether it's guy on guy or girl on guy it happens. It's a real thing and guys blow it off because that's what they were unconsciously taught to do. Men can be drugged, pressured, forced. It can happen to anyone.

3.  You are not a burden because of race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, etc. If you think someone is, stop and ask yourself why. Because unless they're yelling at someone because they accidentally misgendered them or something along those lines, it's probably your fault.

4. If you do have a friend or know someone who goes by a specific set of pronouns and you can't remember to call them that, use their name instead. I can understand why it would be weird to have someone repeatedly misgender you even if they're forgetful so easy fix! (No! I'm not a guy or trans but I have physical people to back me up!)

5. EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion. HOWEVER, this does not mean you have to bring yours up every time something you don't agree with comes up in conversation. It is nice to provide your thoughts but if you know you would offend a lot of people by saying what you think it's probably best to find another subject your group/friend can talk about instead.

6. OMG! STOP ASSOCIATING ISLAMIC PEOPLE WITH TERRORISTS! Not everyone from the middle east is out to get your country!! Domestic terrorism is a real thing and is too often overlooked. There are white terrorists! Yes, it is possible!

7. Stop romanticising mental illnesses! It's not cute to undereat from depression. Stop fantasizing about dating someone so you can save them. That's not okay.

8. Stop sleeping on overeating because of depression, or any other mental illnesses that could impact someone's eating habits. Overeating is a real issue and people are pushing it aside and focusing on the smaller, undereaters. (I am not saying it's not a problem or less of a problem, just that people seem to overlook stress eating and would rather focus on undereating)

9. It isn't cute to show your dominance when your partner gets attitude by doing something sexual like chocking them and then bringing them into a kiss. I get it if your partner has expressed consent to this but I know that I wouldn't want my boyfriend grabbing me by the throat and kissing me under those circumstances. Accidents and actions can become a routine!

10. NEVER, CAPITAL N NEVER, TAKE YOUR ANGER OUT ON YOUR PARTNER. It's not okay to repeatedly yell and pick fights with your partner, or friends because you're mad at someone else. There are other stress relievers and that are better for your relationship. No hitting! If you watch arrow, that episode with a fucked Thea and a newly-powered Roy was nice, but it's not like that in the real world. 

11. You also can't manipulate your partner because of your mental illness.

"I'm sorry I hit you. You know I have _____ issues." NOT AN EXCUSE. Again, actions and accidents can become routine. It's hard to fall out when you've been pulled in so deep because of your partner's mental illness. There are ways to manage stuff like that and if they can access it, but aren't, then that's their problem. 

12. Self-care comes first. Fuck people who call you selfish because if you can finally be proud of yourself by focusing on what you're doing, and fixing your own problems, you're doing amazing (sweetie). Self-care isn't completely blowing off your friends and never worrying about them. It's knowing when you need to take breaks and take care of yourself.

13. You don't have to completely cut people off to, "cut toxic people off." Know when enough is enough and find distance. Don't share things they don't need to know or ask for their opinions.

14. Don't hide stuff about your friends from them. It's so important to let people know that hey, there's this really nasty rumor about you, and it's important you should know. You don't have to start stuff by letting people know. You just have to teach yourself how to deliver the news.

15. And in honor of what's recently happened on twitter with Finn, stop overlooking female predators. It's weird for a 27-year-old to point out that a kid is underage, and say how they're not trying to be weird, and still say to hit them up in 4 years. Nope, stop. If it was a man and Millie everyone would come in, guns blazing, and be on top of the situation. But some people are looking past this and that's not okay. Going back on #2, guys are harassed too!

16. FINALLY! STOP. BLAMING. RAPE. ON. THE. VICTIMS. No one is the problem because of how they dress. No one is the problem because of how they act. The problem is rapists. ONLY rapists. Little girls in long sundresses get raped the same way young men are attacked by their bosses. It happens anywhere, anytime, to anyone.  

17. NM ADD ON! Feminism is NOT bringing men down and women up. It is equality for all genders. Thanks and gn.

18. Omg add to the add-on. Stop acting like you don't see that when people write articles they use a nasty picture of the POC, who is usually the good person, and perfect, happy picture of the white person, who is usually in the wrong. It happens all the time and I see it almost everytime I read an article. Yes, this is coming from a caucasian. A caucasian who can recognize white-privilege. Alright, actually gn.


Oaky dokey so a lot happened today and I was pressed but I didn't know who to write about so I did this. These are somethings I think are important to remember! Have a nice night and happy late Halloween!! It's that Jolly fat turkey time now bitches. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2019 ⏰

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