Wing of Happiness but Lies, Devour Me!

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Hi there, I'm Yuuko Juliett, a beginner novelist. I want to improve my writing and stories. Please read my short stories and I have another story that is ongoing series. As a starter, if its bad, it kinda common. Do enjoy.


I've been living in a cold cage, lonely in the dark hopeless without love. I look at my hands and asking what have I've been doing through my life and where it'd get me. Awaits someone to take me, love me, hold me dear and be together until deaths do us apart.

4 years of tears, tainted the floor because of my foolish and stubborn feelings. The pain stings like hell, they torture me, leaving my body with full of scars until some of my skin almost rip off.

Waiting for someone to save me is the only way ticket to happiness. That person will give me wings that could fly freely towards the sky.


Caress me with sweet pleasure in beauty life. Warm feelings. Together both of us will fly and escape with the Wings of Happiness. Freed me and putting a smile on my face. Making our pure feelings bloom with hope.


Those words were always dancing on my mind. Will it be coming true? The moment I realize and back to my senses, will there ever be one? I know all of those things nothing but bunch of...


I've been here how many years now. No one ever come to save me. No one cares. Waiting for false hope is such a waste of time. I know what will await me. There is no such thing Wings of Happiness in this unfortunate life of mine.

I laughed insanely. Yes! That's it. CUT me. TEAR me. RIP me.

My mind is gone madness. I realized that my kind way of love is different. Opposite from regular love, this is way better. Why haven't I think of this before? I should have done this way in the beginning. Wasting my life for nothing. I should let my doubt go away and say it to them.


And that way we all can be always be together FOREVER. INSIDE ALL OF YOU. FLOWING INSIDE ENTIRE OF YOUR BODY. Taste my delicious and soft meaty flesh, let it slide through your throat and down deepen within your body.

I WILL love you and WILL watch over you. This way we WILL never be apart until death do us apart. RIGHT, HONEY?

                                               EndWings of Happiness but Lies, Devour Me!    


Thank you for reading. Hope this story can fill your chills. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2017 ⏰

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