We'll see that, sweetheart

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"And that is how you can also raise the volume if you want to hear more clear, but careful with that around here cause Dean's always a grumpy old man with these stuff." you said playfully and Jack grinned slightly, just as Dean looked at you and scoffed.

"I'm not old." hemuttered and you hummed.

"Sure, whatever you say grandpa!" you winked but he just shook his head, a small smile creeping on his lips "And- no, Jack he's not my granpa. It's just a thing, I call him stupid nicknames sometimes. That's all." you said, noticing how the nephilim was ready to ask.

"Oh" he nodded his head "Alright, and if I want to watch... cartoons, I press on number one and then three. For... thirteen, right?"

"Exactly! And there're plenty of Scooby Doo there for you too!" you giggled, patting his back as he broke into an adorable grin.

"I really like that one, it's wonderful!" he breathed out, his eyes sparkling.

"It sure is, Jack." you chuckled "But remember, whenever there isn't something good on TV and you really want to do something you can opt for a book!"

"Yeah if you wanna be a nerd in life sure." Dean mumbled and you shot him a look.

"There are plenty of good ones around here, and I have a lot I think you'd like." you said softly to Jack "Just until you find what you really like and what not we keep exploring, alright?"

"Then I think we should name you Dora." Dean muttered with a snicker and you couldn't fight the grin that spread on your lips, as Jack merely tilted his head to the side and frown.

"Do- Dora? What is that?" he mumbled and you still couldn't fight the laughter that left your lips.

"Dean!" you exclaimed, throwing a pillow at him as he dodged it "How the hell do you even know about that?!" you shook your head.

"And she's-" you turned to Jack who waited patiently, legs crossed and eager to hear and learn more "You'll figure that out yourself. It's all cartoons, but she is probably the most annoying one. Anyway, I still have to say, and Sam will agree, if you ever feel like getting a little bored books are really gonna help."

"Just don't ask for bedtime stories, cause we only have nightmare fuel in here." Dean mumbled and you rolled your eyes.

"Are you done yet? And what kind of book are you even looking for, Jack and I are busy here!" you looked at him over your shoulder.

"Can clearly see that, what the heck are you doing anyway? I told you I still haven't found it, you keep tons of them in here." he mumbled, still looking through your books. Although the truth was different. It was one he couldn't admit but knew all-too-well as he stole glances at you and Jack interacting. An involuntary smile formed on his lip, without even him realizing it, as he watched you speak to Jack and instruct him, teach him things, and smile when you answered his questions. It was contagious, that's the only way Dean could describe it, and so he couldn't fight the small skip of his heartbeat. You were acting so motherly around Jack, he had noticed almost looked like a little kid to him, young and innocent and in need of a mother to tell him what's wrong and what's right. Almost.

He had see the way you tucked a blanket over Jack when he fell asleep on the couch on the backseat of the Impala or even on his chair as he read a book. He had seen the way you lectured him to drink his juice fast or not forget milk in the morning when he had breakfast. He had seen how different your smile was when you offered him something to eat, almost as if you handling a little kid, pointing out that he had to eat healthy foods in order to grow up fast and be strong. He remembered how you reminded Jack to wear a jacket when he went out to not catch a cold or something... if it was ever possible that is. He heard Jack talk to you about the things he remembered from his mother, Kelly, and in return you told him everything you knew about her as well. He watched as you gently wiped away the tear that had rolled down his cheek and told him that it was all going to be ok, like a mother would when it's little kid had fallen down and hurt themselves.

We'll see that, sweetheart - Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now