where it all started

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*Monday morning*

*Beep Beep Beep* ugh Monday. I love Mondays not. I quickly turn off my alarm and fall out of bed literally. I get up and go to the bathroom and take a shower. Once I get out I apply a light foundation, shape my brows, apply some mascara, and some lip balm. After that I brush my long brown hair and leave it out.

*time skip to school*

I get out of the car me: bye mum love you

Mum: bye Marie love you too have a good day and please dont get detention

Me: I wont bye mum

I wasnt a bad kid but I wasnt a suck up either I got the occasional detention or suspension but most of the time they were because of my boyfriend august. He makes me do a lot of stuff that I dont want to do like steal, get drunk, do drugs but Im so happy that its only happened once and didnt go too far. Anyway, I am currently walking to class when I see august and his gang he calls me over and so I go over and stand next to him.

August: hey babe

Me: Hey

August: were all going out tonight wanna come?

Me: not really

*after that he got mad*

August: what did you just say?

Me: I said that I didnt want to go, knowing you and the others youre all going to get wasted and Im going to get dragged into your mess!

August: dont you raise your voice at me! Now your gonna pay for that. Tonight, youre going out with us and youre going to do everything that we say. Is that clear!

Me: yes *by now I was crying*

August: cool I'll see you there, and don't try to get out of it, you'll regret it later.

August: bye babe *after he said that he kissed me and walked away*

I waited till he was gone and then I ran the other way, out the school doors and all the way home. I get to my room and open my laptop. "finally" I scream I've done it! I booked a plane ticket to la California. I open the biggest suitcase that I have and pack all my clothes, toiletries, and shoes. I get out of my school uniform and changed into something comfy and head to the airport.

-hey guys so this is my first book and if there are any typos I'm sorry, I'm not gonna lie this is my English assignment but I thought that I would change it a little and post it on here. there might be slow updates due to school and other responsibilities but I will continue to upload as much as I can enjoy

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