Tag (It was so hard finding the title...)

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Today I wanted to tag some people, so, I am gonna ask many questions!!!

So, you have one month to answer, and make sure to mention me so that I can see

Also, it must not done in the comments! You can answer with a yes or no when possible! And make sure to take a screenshot of all the questions, and post it on the tag.

Whatever, let's go!!!!

1-Already went to another country?
2-The strangest thing you saw?
3-Your favourite color?
4-Your favourite animal?
5-Already walked in a closed door?
6-Already talked to a stranger thinking it was someone you knew?
7-Made chewing gum fall from your mouth while talking to someone?
8-Ate a Jellyfish?
9-Scared people?(cause you are a psychopath)
10-Entered a classroom thinking it was your class?
11-Went at school in pyjama?
12-Confused a knife with a lollipop?
13-Got scared the fudge out of yourself with a movie?
14-Cried with a movie?
15-Cried of hapiness?
16-How many countries have you went to?
17-Farted in class?
18-Burped in class?
19-Do you know Kpop?
20-Sisters or Brothers on Wattpad?
21-The most arkward thing you've done?
22-Hurt your teeth because you bit a fidget spinner?
23-Done stuff which can be reported on Wattpad?
24-Fed up of all my questions?
25-Wish 25 is the last question?
26-Sad because it isn't?
27-A crush?
28-Made a hickey on your skin?
29-Has someone super annoying who wants to be your friend?
30-Ate rotten fruits?


And that's all! Hope you don't rage, thanks and please do vote or comment, and do the tag! Thanks!

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