Chapter 2

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Pain. That's the only thing I can feel right now. Pain shooting from my head to my neck and my chest, to my hands and stomach, down my legs. Unbarable pain. My eyelids feel heavy and my left hand feels sore.

Memories from last night hit me. Me and the girls talking, me forgetting to buy popcorn and me going out to buy some and  than the creepy man. I remember him calling me something... little..little.. little lilac.

Who was that man? I ask myself. Did he take me here? Another questin I am not able to answer. Why did he call me little lilac? All these questions cloud my mind and it drives me crazy that I am not able to answer even one of them.

As I open my eyes I see white. Only white. I try to move my hands so that I can rub my eyes, but only my right hand reaches it's destination. I look down my left hand only to see that it is tied with a white rope to the white bed. Panic conjures up my mind. I have no idea where I am nor why I am here. My eyes scan my surroundings. I see white walls and a white flour. To my right is a door and to my front a door as well. The bed I am luying on is huge, with white sheets of course. To my left there is a white armchair and next to the armchair there is a white night stand with a vase on top of it. In the vase there is a flower, a very beautiful flower, one of my favourites.

A white lilac

Next to the flower there is a note. I reach with my free hand to take the note. The hand writting is with a lot of curves and the little piece of paper has a sweet smell, as if it has been sprayed with perfume.

Good morning, my little lilac.Today is a big day for you. You will be making a very important decision. As you proably figured out, your left hand is tied with a rope. In the first drawer of your night stand there is a razor. You have two options. You can either cut the rope and escape from the window, having in mind that when I catch you, you will be punished, or you can wait for me in your bed like a goood girl and you will be rewarded. Choose wisely and remember, I am watching you!

Chills run up and dowm my entire body and I feelo my right hand lightly shaking. His words run trough my head again and again. I am watching you!

As every normal person I like my freedom and I will fight for it until my last breath so withous a second thought I open the drawer and inside I see a white blade. I take the blade with my right hand and carefully cut the rope, freeing my left hand, that now feels numb. Fastly I get up from the bed, but pain shoots trough my head again. It hurts so much that I have to sit back down for a second.

Let me tell you, the pain is so strong, that all I want to do is curl up in a ball in the corner of this room and cry my eyes out. I am scared shitless, my whole body is shaking, but I am a strong girl. I have always been a strong girl. I made it trough the death of my parents at the age of 9. I was able to go to work at the age of 11, because my aunt didn't make enough money. I was able to study my ass out so I can get in college. I will go trough this. I am a strong girl.

I get up from the bed, ignoring the pain and start walking towards the window. Trough the window I see a forest. Tall trees stand next to each other and it looks as if the forest has no end. My right hand reaches for the handle of the window and as I grasp it I try to open it but the window doesn't move. I try again and again, but to no use. My oher hand grasps the handle as well and I use the srength of my whole body to force the window to open, but it doesn't even bulge.

As I am trying to open the window, I hear that sickenning laugh again. It is him. He tricked me. He was never considdering letting me go. It was all a little game to him. My freedom is a little game to him. His laugh is the creepyest thing I have heard my entire life. I can hear his footsteps coming closer and closer and trough my panic I do the first thing that comes to mind. I go to the bed as fast as I can and grab the white blade with both my hands and in that exact moment, in my white room enters a man in black.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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