Test 90-0.002-Subject#201: Insanity

3 0 0

Entree number 2.4:

18:34 pm: Subject#201 is definitely ready to begin.

18:49 pm: The pelting is about to begin. He seems happy.

18:55 pm: He kept laughing while he was pelted, but there was a difference this time. There were tears coming from his eyes, yet still filled with joy. Almost possessed.

19:22 pm: The mental portion is about to begin.

19:37 pm: The results for the mental portion are 23+16/100 in logic, 19+2/100 in basic logic, 3/100 in math, and 96% on the true or false portion. He has earned bonus points for noticing that he got a 4% on the true or false portion, and using that knowledge to get a 96% instead. We are definitely impressed. Now for the sanity. We have calculated a 53/100. PAaABaUBIC

100 is perfect/P

90 is above average/AA

80 is average/A

70 is below average/BA

60 is unusual/U

50 is broken/B

40 is insanity/I

Anything below 30 is crazy/C. (This is so I won't have to pull up papers to remember sanity levels.)

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