The Crazy Big News

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A/N: Hey guys! It's Marianne, and basically the whole story is in Misti's viewpoint, cause this is highkey relatable and yeah. Read and Vote and Comment Guyssss <3

Mistis POV :)

I woke up today with a crazy feeling. As if something weird was going to happen or something crazy, but that's everyday for me because most days, living with 3 siblings , it's pretty hectic. But I ignore that crazy feeling and go back to bed , because it's like 5am and the bags under my eyes are almost enough to carry 4 people in so maybe I should sleep. 

BEEEP BEEP! And yes, I wake up annoyed because the iPhone alarm is freaking soul destroying. And I wanna stay in bed, but then again when have I ever not wanted to stay in bed? Actually no don't answer that. I drag myself out of bed and slowly stumble into the kitchen. "Mum?" . Nope she' still asleep. Hmm.. and she asks me where I get my laziness from. So I eat some cereal and go kill, I mean wash, my face with water. I stink like sweat and body odour divided by cheese, but I have given up at this point. Everyone smells like socks at my school anyways. 

 My face is so oily you can fry chips in it and my hair is greasy. My clothes are barely acceptable, but you know what? It's school not Paris Fashion Week. And I'm Misti Harrison not Gigi Hadid ( I highkey lowkey wish I was her though, have you seen her cheekbones wow?).  And so I leave to school with a book in my hand. 

What book? Ah you know me, I'm a nerd and a complete sucker for fantasy books, so it's Harry Potter. And the Goblet of Fire, because I haven't read that one more than twice yet. I usually take the different route to school so that I don't bump into anyone, because I am antisocial, and plus who really wants to listen to Lauren talk about her life , her dog's life, her neighbour's life and her mum's life for 30minutes? Because not me. Not at this time in the morning, not at any time of day really.

I walk slowly, because if you've ever been to London, you'll know that the ground is dirty. Lazy dog owners leaving their dog's poop on the floor, and smokers with their cigarettes on the floor and kids leaving their sweet wrappers, and mud and puddles from lasts nights rain - yes that applies to everyday of the year because it never stops raining, you'd think God was mad at us or something, the amount of rainfall we have each year.

Then, as I start nearing school, I put my book away and my hood up. The less recognition the better. Approaching hell in 5...4....3....2...

"Oi Milly take your 'ood down, the sun is out" 

"Shut up Reece," I shout because dammit that boy loves to get my name wrong. And he winks but I ignore him. You learn stuff bout other people once you've put up with them for 5years. Who's Reece, I hear you ask?" 

He's a stupid softie, the class clown, he's decent looking but wow he's idiotic. I love him like a brother though. 

I waltz through the school gates straight into the library, our school's very old-fashioned excuse for a library. *Sigh* I wonder where all the money pumped into our school goes. And I sit and I get lost in the Hogwarts world and then the stupid vile repugnant idiotic dumb bell rings. I hate lessons and I hate school.

Chemistry is first today. Chemistry with Mr Boring Trainee who probably tricked the headteacher into hiring him. I see Reece selling chewing gum for double the price, that kid needs to stop tricking everyone into buying his 50p Extra gum.

"Yeah, mate, of course, I'm selling quality products here and for a discount," 

And then Alicia (the suspecting customer) interrupts.

"Reece are you taking me for a mug? £2 is too much for a strip of gum, relax yourself," 

Then Reece the fool says: 

"Yeah but inflation and Brexit and tax and mortgage,"

And then I really question what anyone sees in that damn idiot. I punch him in the arm lightly and he pushes me back and we laugh. Because thats just how it is. Family.

I laugh my way through the day; sleep through Chemistry, cry through maths and get home to find an empty house.

As I open the front door, I see a note on the table. Mum's awful handwriting stands out and "Meet us at Costa, we have an announcement" . And I sigh, because this probably means that she is getting married to Dad (yes they're unmarried) or that I'm going to have another sibling. I roll my eyes , dump my school bag on the floor and leave the house again.

Once I finally reach Costa, I see mum, dad , my brother (Mario) and my sisters (Miley and Marie) sitting at a table in the corner. I order a Latte and wait for it, contemplating all the bad things that could be announced in our little family meeting. Mum and dad could be getting married? Not bad.
I could have another sibling? Noooo
Mum and dad are splitting up? Awful

When I recieve my drink, I sit down and then mum , who looks like she can"t keep it in any longer, says "Misti, babe we're moving to MURRICA!"
And for a minute I'm confused, did she say America or Morroco in an awful accent. And she smiles and starts humming Star Spangled Banner and I realize.

We are moving to America. Shoot

Okaio m8s, I hope you like this chapter, I'm quite bad at this whole author thing. Enjoy, Vote, Read, Comment, idk but if you see this then have a beautiful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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