Chapter 1- Affiliation

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2017 New York City, Present day. 


"Beep Beep Beep......." My alarm clock goes off. I groan, clicking the snooze button on my phone for the fifth time this morning. "5 more minutes," I murmur, turning around in my bed. I close my eyes. But I do so to no avail. The sunlight decides to poke its rays high in the sky, and I curse myself for not buying eclipse curtains when they were on sale on black Friday earlier last month. Signing, I turn around, and stretch my arms above my head . I get out of bed silently, careful not to wake my roommate. i tiptoe to my closet, get out something to wear, and head to shower. once i turn the faucet on, I breath a sigh of relief as the hot water touches my skin. I stay in the shower until the water runs cold, then get out, dry off, and start to get dressed. Suddenly, the door opens, and someone pokes their head through the door. i freeze, not knowing at first who it is, but when i see them smirk, it's obvious that it's Lydia, my roommate. it's not the first time she's seen me with just a towel- we are roommates, after all. There's bound to be some exposure.

"Whoops, didn't know you were in there", she says, with a smirk on her face, eyeing my towel.I roll my eyes. I swear, Lydia's secretly a lesbian. 

"what did you come in here to tell me, that wasn't important enough to wait until breakfast", I ask, with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

Lydia looks at me apologetically. "Sorry, I just got news from your parents, but I'll wait until you're dressed". and with that, she slips out of the room, as if she hadn't been there in the first place.

I sigh, and finish getting dressed. when I finally emerge from the bathroom, Lydia's sitting on the couch with something in her hand. I join her on the couch. Lydia isn't saying anything, and the curiosity is killing me. finally, I come out and ask her what's in her hand.

"What, this?" Lydia looks at me, with an innocent look in her eyes, and I know that she's enjoying this.

"Just tell me what you're holding, damn it. I'm not in the mood for your games."

Lydia holds her hands up in defense. "OK, but you have to promise not to get too excited. "

I roll my eyes, and Lydia suppresses a smile. she looks at me, and then hands me the envelope that she was holding. I guess I was taking a while, because Lydia nudges me. Finally,grabbing the letter opener that's sitting on the coffee table, I rip the envelope open, and a note slides out.

"Brynn- Here's two tickets to Scotland- we remember how you wanted to find answers. Hopefully, this will help. Bring Lydia along. You'll need her.

Lots of love, Mum and Da

I suppress the urge to cry . Inside the envelope were two tickets to Scotland- My parents have sent me two tickets to visit the place I was born. I feel my eyes brim with tears.

It's been a solid two years since I've moved to New York, and I haven't talked to my parents much. but if there's one thing they've known about me, it's my urge to travel to my birthplace- the country where I was born. I put the letter down gently, and look inside. Sure enough, there is two tickets to Scotland, with a map, and some other papers of what is going on there. I smile to myself, thinking about my past. My parents were looking to conceive, but since they couldn't, they decided to adopt. I have Scottish blood,but was brought up by the loving parents I have now. I wouldn't be where I am today without them. Even though I hate my red curls that I was born with- (they're a disaster to tame compared to my parent's straight dark hair), and even though my hair is bothersome, I wouldn't give it up for anything.

Lydia looks at me, expecting me to say something. I glance her way, and give her a shrug, and shuffle into the kitchen to make coffee. She follows me, and i'm not surprised. I know this will annoy her. Sure enough, Lydia puts her hands up in the air, exasperated.

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