Finding Aimee

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Finding Aimee

By: Telltalesoul

"Please don't leave me.. " Aimee begged. He never listened, why didn't he listen.. 

Everyday of work was the same. Brandon would get up in the morning, not caring how tired he was, and ship off to work. He drove trucks for a living, sometimes on the road for hours and hours at a time. This time it was alitle too dangerous for his girlfriend, Aimee's, liking. He was being forced to work a double shift, Sixteen hours on the road straight. If he didn't make the trip, or he didn't reach his destination in time his job would be terminated. As Brandon left the house he could barely stand to see his girlfriends face, swollen up with tears in her eyes, as if she was wishing and praying that he would refuse to complete his work for the day. When he showed up to work everything was fine, his coworkers congratulated him on taking the long shift off one of their hands. He was a fool to do it, but he had no choice. Things with Aimee were progressing fast and they would be starting a family soon, he needed all the income that he could get, not only for himself, but for Aimee as well.

That morning when Aimee woke up there was nothing but a stream of happiness running through her veins, she had not yet been told about Brandon's long day. Looking over at Brandon sleeping so silently and peaceful she smiled to herself, convinced she was the luckiest girl on the planet. She waited a moment before quickly jumping on him and attacking him with her love. He looked up at her and smiled, this was his favorite way to wake up in the morning, looking up at his angel. Aimee was a strong and independent woman. Ever since she was young she had no need for help for anything or from anyone . Until Brandon came along she had always kept to herself, never in need of any ones love and compassion. He could still remember the way she looked, five years ago when they had met. He had memorized every freckle on her face, every possible way her chocolate brown hair could fall, and every look she had given him with her hazel eyes, from the day that he met her he was drawn to her. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2012 ⏰

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