Chapter V: Nomad Wars

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"We are true knights. We banish the arts of magic, and slay any that disobey our creed."
- Nomads Code

We eventually arrived near the battle, the same knight that captured me was leading the attack. "My Lord, it's Renji again." She said. "He's set up weapons far back from their front to bombard our forces." "Thank you Sanora." Eregast replied. "Join the battle and reach those cannons." He then faced towards me. "Newa, join her as well." I nodded and followed Sanora to the front lines. Sanora decided to help her forces, while I hacked and slashed through Nomad forces towards those cannons to destroy them. But eventually got held up by the growing numbers surrounding me, I held my ground and fought them off for as long as I could.

_Sanora POV_
The Reborn completely ignored our overwhelmed troops and rushed into the battle. I continued to help my fellow warriors in battle, I didn't care if the girl died, none of us needed a human, who could possibly be a spy for the other kingdoms, she could have caused Renji's attack and is just playing along. "Ma'am, thanks for the assistance." A fellow warlord said. "No problem, let's push onward. FOR THE WARLORDS!" I yelled. I troops raised their weapons and yelled a mighty battle cry before following me straight into battle. I noticed Renji's unique bronze hair from miles away, if the Reborn wasn't their, she may have been dead, again I didn't care. When my men got passed hundreds of Nomad soldiers, we saw thousands of fallen Nomads laying at the Reborn's feet. I cursed under my breath. "Come on. Forward." She yelled. The troops instantly followed her instead of me, I cursed a second time out loud. "That no good, son of a..." I ranted before Renji about killed me with his large sword staff. "Sanora, my dear." He said with his trademark death smirk. "Why so down." I didn't answer and rushed him with my halberd to kill him.

_Newa POV_
I lead the Warlords directly towards the Nomads cannons and incoming second wave of battalions. "CHARGE!" I yelled. The Warlords instantly readied their weapons for the incoming forces. I jumped the first line of men as both front line waves armed eachother, killed many Warlords and Nomads in a sprawl of blood and armor. I then continued towards the cannons, killing more Nomads in the process, soon reaching the first cannon and destroying it with my magic engulfed blade that sent it into an explosion of iron, wood, and fire. It even killed more Nomads ahead of me. "Send the Enforcer!" A nearby Nomad yelled. A female in a dark cloak with a massive staff instantly jumped in front of me and attacked, I blocked the first attack, but she kicked my chest and sent me backwards. I had to kill her to reach the other cannon and destroy it. I about attacked back, but more Nomad battalions were headed my way, led my what looked like two more high-ranking Nomads. I instantly decided to retreat with the other Warlords, I couldn't handle this alone. "Raise the barricades and regroup!" Eregast yelled as our forces returned to the Warlords keep. Several giant wood walls lifted in front of us, separating us from the incoming Nomad invaders. Sanora arrived behind me and punched me. "WHAT IN FORSAKEN STUPIDITY WE'RE YOU THINKING!" Sanora yelled. "CHARGING ALONE AT THE ENEMY, SENDING TROOPS WITHOUT A PLAN OR STRATEGY! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US!" I then pushed her away and drawed my sword on her. "Back off!" I yelled back. It would have erupted into battle if Eregast didn't intervene. "Enough!" He yelled. "Newa, with me. Sanora hold our defenses." I sheathed my sword and followed him. But Sanora was maybe right.

_Nomads POV_
I continued to view the fields of fallen warriors from the previous skirmish, he felt victory in his grasp. "Renji, I have arrived with reinforcements for the siege." A girl said. "Excellent work, Vale." I replied. "How long till we can launch our second wave?" "Not long, it would be best to rally the troops." Vale said admiring my ambition of war. I was ready to end the Warlords, they betrayed a knights honor, I was going to punish them. I then stood in view of thousands of Nomad followers. "My brother's. My sister's. The Warlords have failed Humanity. It's our turn to show them. WE WILL JUDGE THEM! WE WILL MAKE THEM FALL!" I yelled to rally them. "FOR THE NOMADS! FOR THE GODS!" My troops raised their weapons high and shouted in excitement. "ALL HAIL RENJI!" The troops would follow me and my cause. Our old leader was a fool.

Next: Chapter VI: Nomads War II

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