Introducing me

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I am Shanna-lesia Stewart I'm currently 13 years old. I'm from Jamaica in the parish of Clarendon but recently in Canada. I decided to write this book to share my Antibullying experience it was one of the worst moments of my life and even tho I'm not getting bullied anymore it is still in my thoughts all the bad and cruel things that person said to me I was near to killing myself today but come to think of it i have people who care for me. I'm a very fun person and I love people a lot so ya this is pretty much me

Thankyou. I'm not looking for votes exactly I just feel like if I don't share this I'll just die a little more and I'm very scared to share it with my parents i can't gather the courage to tell them 😔

MY ANTIBULLYING EXPERIENCE Where stories live. Discover now