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I've always had the natural ability to quickly absorb information, so school was a breeze for me. While everyone else was preparing for their SAT's, I was already done and busy sending off applications to my dream colleges. While this may be impressive to the average college, boys see it as a total turn off. My mother always told me knowledge is power and power must be used for good, but what if I was tired of being good? Being the girl that was "hot" but unapproachable because of her extreme brain power was kind of getting old.

God, my mother would be rolling in her grave if she knew I was thinking this way.

By the time the bell rang, I was more than ready to leave the campus. Today had been a long and uneventful first day of school and I wanted nothing more than to go home and cuddle up with a good book. Lillian had cheer practice after school so I was left to tackle the 2 block walk home by myself, I've never had a problem walking home except for times like this, when the sky was more grey than my personality. The clouds formed a thin layer in the sky, easily blocking the sun from shining down and luminating my path. It was 4PM, and getting darker by the minute.

Winter was not a welcoming season. 

As I reached the end of the first block, something in a nearby alley way caught my attention. The bright, yellow light attracted me like a magnet and I found myself unable to control the direction my body was moving. As I moved closer to the light, I recognized the light belonged to the eyes of the figure I'd seen earlier. Yet no fear set in. Within seconds I was face to face with the creature.

It had the exact body shape of a human yet it definelty wasn't human. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2014 ⏰

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