•chapter 1•perhaps friends?•

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sadie sink

hawkins high school, 5 schools in the course of 3 years, my dad and i haven't had the best of luck when it comes to settling down, which i know is what he desperately wants.

"sades....sadie...up and at it sweets, you're gonna be late." my dad shouts from the bottom of our staircase. i roll onto my back and rub my eyes.

i continued to lie there. looking around my room at the multitude of cardboard boxes with permanent marker scribbled over their surface. i ask myself; i could handle dropping out junior year to become a stripper, i'm almost 18 right?

i shook my head and climbed up off my mattress that was currently on my floor. once again rubbing my eyes i put my foot down and missed the first step on my staircase, i quickly caught myself.

"fuck!" i exclaimed out of shock. my dad was standing at the kitchen bench eating waffles chucking at me.

"was that a uh..nice trip sades?" he takes a bite out of his maple syrup covered waffles

"it's not funny!" i chuckle. he just shakes his head slightly and smiles. i took the waffles that he had made me and quickly downed them. i got changed, gave my dad a kiss goodbye and made it out the door.

it was only a 15 minute walk from my house to the school, hawkins was a small yet beautiful town where everyone knew everyone, there wasn't a heap to do here, but we had one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen.

the school was large for a small town. i kinda just awkwardly walked around for a while trying to spot sight of the front office.

i reached a large room with one of the walls knocked down leading out to an outside area i assumed this was the cafeteria, about a hundred students scattered across the room in their own little worlds.

"you're new?" i heard a faint voice say from behind me.

"yeah oh my gosh hi, i'm sadie sink, and i'm a tad lost." i quickly say, i turn to face a boy who was slightly taller than me and had dark brown eyes and the coolest jeans i had ever seen, it seems he had painted on them himself.

i'm caleb, lovely to meet you, where you trying to go?" caleb puts out his hand and shakes mine

"office, please." i smile at him.

"okay so see that hallway down there?"caleb points to the long hallway to our left which was filled with students and things like posters and alike on the walls. 

"yeah?" i lean forward slightly to get a better view.

"okay cool so follow it all the way down until the end and then you'll see a door with a big ass window on your uhhh..left that's the office, just ask to talk to principal keery and you'll be set."

"you're an absolute lifesaver thank you so much." i look up to caleb as we begin to stroll closer to the hallway.

"anytime, hope to see you around sink." caleb shoots finger guns at me and walks out of the cafeteria. as told i followed the hallway all the way down until the second last door, i wasn't sure whether or not i should knock so i quietly tapped the glass and walked in slowly, the lady who worked in reception looked up at me from her computer and grinned."

"ahh sadie, lovely to finally meet you. mr keery is on a call right now but i'll let him know your here, would you like a mint?" she smiles and points at the basket of peppermints on the desk.

"oh no i'm okay, thank you though uhhh..."

"oh, mrs buono, so sorry about that darling, have a seat." she smiles and directs me towards the chairs.

the kids aren't all right•sillie Where stories live. Discover now