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— Seoul, 14:30

   "Kyak!! Oppa!" Fangirls were screaming as they get in line to meet their idols. "Oppa! Saranghae!"

The place was filled with fans which surprises Bangtan a lot. Taehyung was happy to see armies. Their fan base.

Its all he could ever dream of. And now he's here. And after a dozens of girls he came across her. Taehyung never believed in love at first sight but, he believed wrong.

She is a beauty.

"I came from Japan just to see you," The girl said in Korean. "Ah you speak Korean? I was afraid because I can't really speak Japanese well." Taehyung said.

"So who's your favorite in bangtan?" He asked, "Of course it's you oppa." She laughed, "I'm so Taehyung biased, look at my merch." She said with Taehyung chuckling along.

"Whats your name?"

"Nanase Himeko."

Taehyung felt a slight deja vu and also a slight urge to vomit. Where has he heard that before? "Oppa?" The girl called.

Taehyung drew his breath before taking a closer look at the girl before him, "is something wrong? You look awfully pale."

That is the girl in her memories. The Noble girl, her past love, Nanase Hime.

"Nothing, just a little under the weather thats all." He said managing a reassuring smile, "rest well oppa, you were working hard a lot I fear you're not getting enough rest." She frowned.

   "I brought you some cookies and matcha tea, I made them myself."

   "You still like baking them?" He blurted out. "When have I ever stopped liking?" She asked weirded out by her bias.

   Taehyung signed her name and didn't forget to wrote down his phone number and line ID.

   Smooth tae. . .

   "It was nice meeting you, oppa." She said before sliding to Jungkook who was next to him.

   As much as he wanted to sat up from his seat and embraced her he just can't. It will end badly for the girl if the others saw it.

   'I have to see her again.'

. . .To be continued°

REINCARNATED ー K.TAEHYUNG | ✓Where stories live. Discover now