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Days and weeks passed since Hanbin saw Jane. He misses her just like how the younger does as well. The two gets over their days doing their professions and working on their hobbies. Hanbin was not doing good since he is having a author's block, while Jane did more clinic hours.

Jane feels guilty for what she did. Haruko's conclusion was indeed correct, and she doesn't know what to do now. She groaned in irritation, as she was currently in her front door that moment, baffling whether if she should go to him and say her apology or give themselves more time.
'Whatever now.'

She opened the door locking it before she went to Hanbin's front door and started to pound on it. She grabbed his collar and crashed her lips to his as soon as he emerged from the door, Hanbin was shocked at first but his eyes closed slowly and melted into the kiss. It was rough since he could taste blood but that didn't stop them. Jane pushed him inside and kicked the door close before she punched him in the stomach and pushed him down the couch and got on top of him and kissed him.

This confuses the fuck out of Hanbin. Was she drunk? No. Because he can't find traces of it. That's when he realized it, Jane likes it awfully rough. She punched him in the face then kissed him again. It hurt his jaw bad but he missed her and that didn't matter now. She raised her left fist and  He pushed her off him before she can throw another punch in his face. He stood up and pinned her in the wall and bit down on her shoulder hard. She growled in pain but she liked it.
They both liked it.

She unrestricted herself and cupped the man's face to kiss him roughly. Teeth clashing, lips ripping slowly courtesy of their occational hard bites and the fight for dominance. They stumbled to the bed as he slapped her face, she laughed. He took her shirt off and dragged her down as he kisses her neck and jaw.
"No marks Hanbin."

"I want to. So shut up." He took his own shirt off then looked up to younger on top of him. Their gazes met and slowly lent towards each other for a kiss, only this time it was gentle. A kiss filled with care. Hanbin flipped their positions and started to work on her pants. While Jane was kissing and sucking on the elders neck.
"Jane, you know I love you right?"

"I know. I just dont keep love around." 'But you're different.' She didnt want to admit to herself that she wanted him too. She was scared, scared that he would get hurt. Jane shook her thoughts off and slid off the elders jogger along with his boxer in one move, Hanbin bit her shoulder once more resulting for blood to draw out of her shoulder. All Jane could do was writhe in pleasure and pain, as he leaves kisses down her jaw to her neck.

Their clothing was now forgotten thrown to different directions inside Hanbin's bedroom, and Jane was getting fed up with his teasing. Jane flipped their positions once again before she punched his stomach freeing herself from his restraints.
"No more teasing."

They continued to kiss while the male aligns himself to her entrance. Without warning he thrusted into her gaining sputtered curses and nonsense from the youngers mouth. He knew Jane was hurt and couldn't bring himself to move unless she says so, Hanbin was drawing comforting circles in her hips waiting for her to adjust to his thick seven and a half inch dick.

Hanbin did as he was told without even thinking twice, Jane was a moaning mess over him and that was enough to make his pace faster than before his hips snapping back and forth into her like a machine.  The younger came with a moan of the elder's name and Hanbin follwed suit after pulling out and painting Jane in her stomach. They breathed heavily as they calmed down from their highs and he gently placed Jane beside him, he used his shirt to wipe off the semen he painted her with.
"I'm sorry Hanbin."

He draped them with a blanket before he placed his hand on her face and kissed her temple, he stared into her eyes noticing how dark colored they were. Just like she is.
"I know. I still love you even though you don't."

"So don't expect to get rid of me easily Jane Lee."

DKLA - Troye Sivan

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