Part 6: Red Velvet

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A/n: You have permission to hunt me down for not updating.

(y/n) = Your Name

(l/n) = Last Name

(e/c) = Eye Color

(h/c) = Hair Color

(s/c) = Skin Color

——— Ata~Kun's POV ———


It has been literally ages since I have used this, I know. But I have good reason, I swear. Someone new has come into my life, her name is (Y/n). I like to call her my Moon however. She is simply stunning...

This comes at a cost however... Some trash just can't take it and get jealous. Jealous to the point of trying to corner her in an alleyway. I'm planning to make their deaths horrendous.

I know from experience I can't just kill them in plain sight. I also knew I couldn't do it at their homes, anywhere they visit often, or even in a cliched fucking alleyway. Hell after what they attempted to do to my moon I couldn't even give them the easy death I normally give my victims. Not after what they did...


I look up to see how far along the download was. I knew it was going to take a while, but currently my patience was being tested. So far it had already been 37 minutes. I mean how long does it take to download a few pictures? Well pictures and documents I suppose. Most of the pictures were of (Y/n) from when she was younger, in middle school, etc. Same with 93% of the documents. The other 7% being on my next meal... I doubt their meat would taste good lightly toasted... perhaps fried would make it better?

Snapping out of my more "disturbing" thoughts I go back to focusing on everything I just found out about my Moon. I officially knew every doctor's visit, her allergies, and more. I mean... surely having more information will make it easier to please her? I'm not sure to be honest... I've never felt this way for anyone. Oh well, I'm sure everything will end well. It's never ended any other way for me.

Looking away from my now endless photos and documents on her my eyes wonder at the time. Currently it is 3:49 A.M. most people would be asleep right now... but not me. I need to figure more out... I must figure more out about my moon.... Ah... seems.... I'm a bit ti-tired.....


I woke up with a start, having been startled out of my unrestful sleep. My diary was next to me with the documents scattered about. A picture of (Y/n) was smiling at me from my computer screen and I smiled up at 'her'.

" Thank you for watching over me while I slept (Y/n). Don't worry when you come live with me I'll protect you as well." My hand glided over her face, resting on her lips. " I must apologize however as I need to open shop, I must leave you. I do hope you'll visit today."

——— Reader's POV ———

I stood in my bathroom, holding my wrists up to look at them closely in the light. Figured. Her nasty ass grip bruised them, leaving a faint purplish black handprint on them. They were faint so you'd have to be up close to locate them. But their still visible, meaning I will be wearing gloves for the next few days... or long sleeves.

Why hide them? Someone might ask. Who cares? If someone sees them they'll be like, 'Oh no (Y/n)! What happened...?' And I'm the type of person that doesn't one: Wanna make anyone worry, and two: Have others bud into my business. I generally hate it when people worry about me, it makes me feel like an attention whore. That's why I keep it to myself.

It was late, the sun had set and the sky was a blackish blue. Like a painting with white dots splattered onto it. A very artistic way to look at the sky if you ask me, but that's how I've learned to describe thing. It's how my family use to teach me. In my family, they're a long line of artists. Well my father's side are, my mother's are a different kind of artists. Instead of paintings and drawings, their more over dancing and acting. Art art art. Now it's my turn, get a successful job of being an artist, find a husband (Or wife~) and have kids (or adopt) to allow my family's generation of artists to live on.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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