Love sucks ( magcon vampire and werewolves)

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Hey guys I am going to write a second book. My first one is called Magcon sex slave.

This book will be about the 9 magcon boys and Hayes Grier. They won't be famous they will be like normal people but vampires and were wolves. This book won't have a lot if sexual stuff in it. So sorry if you like that stuff. ( read my other book). This one wont update as fast as my other on. It depends on how many votes and views this one will get. I will be picking 3-7 girls to be in my book. So please comment why I should pick you. If I message you on here, you will be one of the girls. Sorry if you don't get picked. There will maybe more opportunities. So please vote and comment. Comment your name and why I should pick you.
I hope you guys like this book. Oh and there will be one main girl. So if you guys want to be the main girl, comment why i should pick you and your name.

Love sucks ( magcon vampire and werewolves)Where stories live. Discover now