Chapter 2

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I turn around to see who it is. I don't recognize him. He still has his and on my butt. I pull his hands away. "And why did you do that babe?" he asks. His voice is like heaven. He is taller than me brown hair and Carmel eyes

"Because I don't want your hand on my ass!" I say and turn away. Well so I think. Soon I feel a strong grip on my wrist. "Where you going babe" as he says giving me a smirk. "To get a drink and to get away from you !" I spat in his face.

God I hate guys. "Well I'll just come with you." still with that smirk on his face. I don't reply I just walk away. "What do you want to drink?" he asks." I don't know what I want. I've never been to a party like this. "I don't even know what to have, let alone your name." I wonder what his name is.

"My name is Cameron, Cameron Dallas." He says with that same stupid sexy smirk. "Hi. I'm Gwen." I say with no expression. "That's such a pretty name." Is he actually being nice? Wow. "Umm thanks I guess." Wait what did I just say?

Cameron pour some sort of liquid in a cup. "Here drink this. It's really good." He hands me the cup. It's a pink drink. I tilt the cup and take a sip. He is right it is really good. I have 3 more cups of this stuff before Cameron asks me,

"Do you want to dance?" I don't know if this is the drink or me talking. "Sure." he grabs my hand and I start to grind on him along with the music. After 'dancing' more like grinding for an hour. He asks me if I want to go outside. We walk out the door and we sit on the stairs. "Is that Ellie and.." he interrupts me "And Taylor?" Oh so that's the bad boy with all the cars.

"Damn I cant believe he found someone!" Cameron says shocked. "Is he bitting her neck?" I start to walk over there. "Hey what are you doing?" I ask as I tap him on the shoulder.

He turns around and his eyes are glowing red? What the hell? And there is blood on his lip. I look at Ellie's neck and there is blood dripping from it. I punch him in the face. He turns and bares his fangs?? Okay this is not right.

I turn and start to run away. I turn to look back and he is about to pounce on me!!

I shoot up and I realize I'm in a bed. All sweaty. Oh thank god that was a dream. I look over and see Ellie sleeping on the other bed in her room. She turns to the side and there is punctures in her neck?

~authors note~

Well how was the second chapter. I know it's short and I haven't updated in a while. I'm sorry for that. Well I hope you guys like it. Vote and comment what you thought!! love you all!!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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Love sucks ( magcon vampire and werewolves)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ