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Your words became empty
Before the lies
That were rolling off your tongue
Sounded meaningful
To my crazed mind

But now
Even the stupid me
Couldn't believe you
You couldn't believe yourself

After some time
You got sick
Maybe tired
Of constantly apologizing
To the "oh, so overreacting" me
So you gave up

'I promise'
'I won't do it again'
'I'm sorry'
'Forgive me'
'I love you'

'I don't care'
'So what if I did it again?'
'You should be the one apologizing'
'Stop giving me shit for nothing'
'I hate you'

Those three words
Pierced my mind
The way a lighting
Pierces the sky

I knew
you weren't in your right state
I knew
That wasn't you
I knew
I shouldn't believe what I was hearing

That was enough

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