Chapter 1

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This is my 1st story so sorry for typos and other mistakes ~Catalyn

My name is Abigail, Abigail Daniels. I have a dad who is over protective and a unconcerned Grandmother. She hates me because she blames both me and my dad for killing my mom. My mom died while giving birth to me. I am going to college today. "Get ready" my dad says. "Its almost time to go" I get up and sneak some forbidden lip gloss on my lips. "I'm coming, I'm coming! Goodness!" I went downstairs to find my dad waiting for me. I check I have all my supplies and all of my forbidden lip gloss hidden from my dad's sight. I smile innocently to my dad "Today is the day," I say "the day I go to college" My dad is stiff "Yes, yes it is" He drove me to my quarter. And we found our way into my room. I was going to share with another person, but I didn't see anyone so my dad and I hugged and he left. "Hello" I heard someone say. It was a girl and she started groping my breasts. "Are you my new roommate?" It feels weird so I push her hands off and she pouts but doesn't put her hands back."I think so" It is room 6B. "Why did you do that?" I ask. I am not yelling I'm just curious. We don't even know each other. "Well, they were big so I wanted to see how they felt" she chuckled "They were softer than I thought. If only you would let me go a little longer?" She reached for my breasts and I slapped her hand away. "Not a chance" I smiled. We were already friendly and playful with each other and I didn't know her name. "If you're wondering my name, its Jessie" She smiled proudly. She was beautiful and her dad probably let her put on makeup. She had beautiful blonde hair. I noticed tinges of a darker color. She also had blue eyes and a perfectly curved nose. She was wearing a tight gray shirt and leather jacket with a pair of tight jeans. I looked at my own sweat pants and jacket and layers. She seemed to read my mind "I'll guess your name and if I get it right, you get to borrow clothes from me" She laughed as I mouthed 'it would be to risky' She shut her eyes and pretended to think and she opened her eyes and pointed at my face. "You look like a a ABIGAIL!!!"

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