Sleep, maybe not

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I yawned and laid on the bed as Mystery was silently snoring next to me. I looked at him and placed an arm around him. I rested my head on his chest and fell to sleep.

Alfred's nightmare
"Hello Alfred" a dark voice spoke.

I looked behind me to see mystery with a knife in his hand. I wanted to scream but nothing came out.

I'm not usually the one to hold a grudge, but you've affected me. And now I'm nothing. But rage....

I looked at him in anger. He tried to stab me but failed, as I held the knife back.

I woke up from the trauma. I looked at Mystery and moved my head off his chest. I'm the boyfriend of a murderer... not only a murderer, but a serial killer.

The one who killed my parents.

I tried to get the thoughts out my head and just fall to sleep nicely. But it didn't work. My hart was pounding, and I didn't want to be his anymore.

When he woke up, he was in for a SHOCK.

I went to the store and bought a few things.

Things he hates.



K guys I found this image and I'm gonna call it mystiphobia

K guys I found this image and I'm gonna call it mystiphobia

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XD I'm sorry I had to.

Diffrences (Mystery x Alfred) book 2Where stories live. Discover now