2. Cuddly

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If there was one thing Canada could be sure of is that his brother is extremely clingy and cuddly and likes nothing more than a hug. So when Alfred came to a meeting and didn't hug his brother immediately at sight he knew something was wrong. The moment the meeting was over and the usual slur of insults was over Canada immediately dragged his brother to his hotel room.

"What's wrong Alfred?" Matthew questioned.

"Nothing," Alfred mumbled. "I'm fine."

"You and I both know that isn't true Alfie. Please tell me what's wrong," Matthew asked.

"Do you hate me too?" Alfred asked,

"Of course not! I wouldn't be here right now," Matthew countered as he sat on the bed next to his brother. "Why would you even say something like that?"

"Its just that everyone seems to hate me and I don't know what I would do if you hated me too," Alfred choked out suddenly overcome by his emotions. "Everyone hates me and you're the only one that seems to care."

"That's not true Alfie," Matthew reassured. "There are lots of people that love you besides me. Papa loves you and so does Arthur and Japan and um Italy."

Alfred shakes his head and moved closer to his brother until they sat side by side. Canada put his hand over his brothers shoulder and squeezed him tight.

"No they don't," Alfred wept. "England told me he hated me, France thinks I'm nothing but am idiotic whale and Japan thinks I'm irritating. Italy likes everyone but he's afraid of me and well Russia and Belarus but at least they're scary. I only have you and I'm afraid one day you'll get sick of me too."

Alfred burst into tears more frightened of that idea than anything else in the world. Canada pulled his brother into his lap and just held him while he cried. Eventually Alfred run out of steam and simply remained clinging to his brother.

"I'm sure they do love you Alfred, maybe they're just showing it wrong," Matthew suggested gently. "Why wouldn't they? You're a wonderful little brother and friend."

"Everyone just insults me all day long. I try to live up to their expectations but I never can. They said I was fat so in lost weight, said I was stupid so I went to school and I even tried to be more quiet. I know I say stupid stuff at meetings but its just cause I get really nervous and then I say stupid things. I really do have legitimate projects and presentations prepared but it just never comes out right," Alfred explained quietly. "I just want to be everyone's hero, but I'm more like the irritating, one sides character that appears for a few episodes before they get killed off. I'm not relevant in the whole scheme of things, the world would still be fine of I wasn't around."

Matthew gasped at his brother's words his mind immediately going to suicide and was immediately wary for his brother's safety.

"I will he here for you and we can get thought it together," Matthew promised. "Its been a long day maybe we should get some rest."

"Can I stay with you tonight?" Alfred asked.

"I would have it no other way," Canada smiled as he flickered off the light. "Cuddle? It will make you feel better."

Alfred nodded and crawled into his brother's arms, resting his head on his big brother's chest before drifting off to sleep. Canada kissed the top of his younger brother's head before drifting into sleep as well with his arms held protectively around his little brother.

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