A world of hate

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Riyo walked on to school, taking in everything around him. He found life to be a gift, a gift that came with the ability to think for yourself, and do what you wish. He didn't know what it was like to have a family, and lived wherever he felt like sleeping. He often slept in trees, or in a little house that he made out of large logs and sticks from a nearby forest. Despite not having parents, a place to live, or even food to eat, he still went to school to become educated so that someday he wouldn't have to live this way. 

Although you'd think that his clothes were unclean, he actually has 4 or 5 pairs of clothes that he hand washes and dries daily, so his clothes, although in poor condition, are not dirty by any means. He walks around always with a smile on his face, the sun shining off of his bright purple hair. He didn't bother buying something to get his hair cut, or cutting his hair with the resources he had. He liked it this way, and it was down past his shoulders and was in pretty good condition because he had connections that allowed him to use public showers. 

Because of his smile and kind heart, he had many connections at school with the teachers, who often had some free food or spare change that they offered to him. However, the students on the other hand were a completely different scenario. They all mistreated him because he grew up very innovative and logical, and always had a thought process that was 3 or 4 steps ahead of whoever was in front of him. He was a living genius, and yet the only way he used his brainpower aside from school was to think about life and write about it in his journal, which was full of great knowledge. 

Since he doesn't really live anywhere, he takes the time to walk to school every day. He walks everywhere he goes, but he stays in this little town that he calls home. It's a city with around 6,300 people, a city called Dime. The school he went to was the only public high school there, and had around 1,100 people who attended it. It was a fairly large school, with really nice technology in it. In the city, it didn't rain very often. They lived on the west side of some mountains, and the wind blew from east to west. There was often a fair amount of wind blowing through this city, but never really severe windstorms. 

At the moment, it was almost the end of fall, only two weeks until winter. It hadn't snowed yet, and usually they only get one or two inches of snow through the winter on the years that it did snow. The leaves were beautiful, and every other house had piles of leaves out at the side of their yard, and their sprinkler systems turned off for the winter. Each of the other houses still had leaves in the yard, the beautiful autumn leaves that were orange. Orange is a common color for leaves, but there was one particular place that Riyo passed by that appealed to his eyes more than anything else. There was a small park, which often had a few little kids running around and smiling while yelling at each other and playing games like tag. 

The trees there were especially beautiful, with the leaves falling a few at a time and the wind spiraling them in a pattern that was fantastic- and really fun to watch. The leaves were blood red, which only made them that much more interesting to watch. Riyo stopped for a minute and stared at these trees for a while each and every time he passed by this set of trees, and marveled at their beauty. It was truly an amazing sight, and of all the things that he took the time to view, this was his favorite. 

These trees reached out to his eye, and the wind coming from them whispered as if to pull Riyo in to them, but Riyo somehow couldn't build up the strength to come near the trees. It was odd, for some reason the blood red leaves from the trees in that one area never left that park, no matter how hard the wind was blowing. They remained close to the trees, and never left. Riyo loved these trees, but couldn't help but think that there was some outside force pulling on them in some way or another. 

After a while, he continued walking on to school. He knew he would be late, but he didn't hurry at all because he also knew that he wouldn't get in any trouble because he has no methods of transportation except for walking. It was one of the benefits of being close to the teachers, is that they aren't as hard on you as everyone else. He looked up at the sky, and saw some rain clouds way off in the distance. He arrived at his school about half an hour later, and just walked on into his class. The teacher pretended not to notice, and nobody pointed him out for it because everybody knew that there was no way that he was going to get in trouble for being late. 

Nobody really payed attention to Riyo, he remained silent and focused on whatever it was that the teacher just happened to be talking about. He had his own style of thinking and learning, and although he went through the curriculum, he also taught himself whatever the lesson for the day was whenever he possibly could. Most of the time, school goes by without anything happening, but today was different. The school intercom came on, and the voice of the principle of the school came on to tell something that nobody would have expected would happen. 

"Just recently, something happened on the national news network. I fell bad about being the one to say this, but the nation's ruler has just been killed by unknown technology from an unknown place. Nobody else in the world is willing to say that they were the ones to do it, and the people at the crime were seen to have used an unknown technology that allowed them to freely manipulate the elements and use them to their own desire. The people came here stating that humans are weak creatures who are only living by taking things from others, and that we're not good people. This leads us to assume that they are not from Earth, and that we've finally found some other form of life from an unknown place. Or, more realistically, they were the ones who found US. Please do not be alerted, although it's a major problem, we also need to be careful because this event occurred very close to us. The invaders just appeared, with no way of transportation in sight. It's been said that they used the elements to bring themselves here, possibly at a speed quicker than light. Their method of arriving here though has also changed the local weather patterns, and we are now expecting heavy levels of rain. Please do not be alarmed, and stay indoors for lunch today. Thank you for your cooperation. Please have a good rest of your day, we will keep you informed on what is happening and if anything significantly impacts the way we should be doing things here right now." The principal finished. 

The classroom roared with voices, some in panic, and some wondering more about it. People instantly got out their phones, which were prohibited, and started looking up more on the situation. The teacher didn't seem to care. This happened right before lunch, but Riyo didn't care much for the stay indoors thing. He opened the classroom door, and sure enough, it was dumping rain. He stepped outside, and got questioning looks from the entire classroom. 

"I'm going to stop the rain." Riyo stated with a straight face. Everybody looked at him like he was crazy, then laughed out loud at an extreme level of volume. Nobody believed him, or that he had any way that he could possibly accomplish it. 

He stepped out into the pouring rain, and out onto a small bridge nearby a creek that ran through the school. He stood there for a while, getting ready to stop the rain. 

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