Early Encounter

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After the final bell rang for school, Riyo didn't hesitate even slightly to get up out of his chair and immediately leave the school building. He wasn't completely sure about this, but he had a thought that this would be the last time that he would be inside of that building. It was a possibility, but then again, it might actually be safer than just freely wandering around. Riyo dashed up and ran across the street. He took a different route than the one he took to get to the school, but that was because he wasn't going to where it was that he came from to get to school. 

He wasn't ever really in one place, and wasn't easy to locate around town. The places that he visited daily he didn't have a set visiting schedule, and he just popped in whenever he felt like popping in or whenever he needed to pop in. That was to his advantage, as well as many other things. It wouldn't be very difficult to escape his pursuer, if he had one. He really didn't care at the moment. 

He looked around, and walked past a church. The church was a fairly large building, probably one of the biggest in the town aside from the school. It had beautiful stain glass windows that were really well arranged and let a large amount of light shine brightly and perfectly into whatever was inside of the church. Riyo could picture the sanctuary, and how it would feel to be in there right now. He wasn't religious, but for some reason he felt himself drawn to this church. 

"If you feel drawn to the church, that means something is calling you there." A man appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Riyo was surprised, he had been caught off guard when usually his senses are very strong and he always knows what is happening all around him. He looked at the man, the man was fairly old and appeared to be one of the priests in the church. 

"I shall accompany you into the sanctuary if you wish to be there." The old man stated. 

Riyo politely accepted the offer, knowing something about it seemed to be catching his attention. Almost like the blood red leaves from the park, he felt as if he had some sort of personal connection to this church that was standing on this corner about three blocks away from the park with the blood red leaves. He walked in alongside the priest, and walked in to the sanctuary. Just before he entered the church, he saw a strange figure dressed in what appeared to be some type of uniform, although it was more like a type of battle robes. It was an interesting style, which nobody that Riyo knew would even try and wear that style of clothing. It was odd, because Riyo also knew almost everyone in the town. 

He stopped for as second, looking behind him. The figure walked up to another priest who was there at the side of the road for some reason, and asked him a question. Riyo was too far away to hear what it was that they were talking about, but he could read the lips to tell what the conversation they were having was about. The figure in the robes was asking if the priest knew someone who had claimed that they 'stopped the rain', and if the priest knew where he was. The priest replied with a name. "Riyo." He said. 

Riyo felt his heart drop. That was probably one of the strange people who were above humans, and the one who was likely causing the rain from earlier today. The priest didn't say anything about his location though, and the strange figure in the robes yelled at him about how he was just saying things that he already knew and that he needed to find this person as soon as possible. It wasn't a direct threat, but he was quite a scary figure. 

Riyo ducked into the church, and felt a holy presence inside of the sanctuary as if it was saying "you're welcome" for assisting Riyo in his escape from his pursuer. He didn't get any other distinct features from the figure other than his clothes, because this person wore a hood over their head making only their mouth and chin visible. He even kept the color of his eyes hidden and out of Riyo's sight

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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