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My sis reminded me of how much I don't like pincest when she brought up the fact that she doesn't like the ship either. Thanks sis.

Ship: Dipper Pines x Mabel Pines

Now, I don't wanna be a hypocrite I ship HiKaoru, and for whatever sick reason Hidashi as well.

It's just, this incest ship, it doesn't sit too well with me. It's just, they're both 13, and twins, brother and sister and not yaoi.

None of those things should be ok in a ship, well...except the not yaoi part, that's just a preference.

I watched that show as a kid. They're Mabel and Dipper Pines, the mystery twins. Best friends and siblings. And it should really remain that way, just best friends and close siblings. Pincest, it shouldn't really be a thing. Neither should Hidashi either, but for whatever reason I always make an exception if it's Yaoi and cute. And Pincest isn't either of those things. It's not yaoi, and it's not cute, it's actually kind of disturbing.

I just..I don't like it.

I don't have an extreme hatred for it like MaBill and KevNaz, but I just dislike it a lot. Enough to have it end up in my Notp book.

That's all I have to say, see you at the next update. And comment if you agree.

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