Finally Time

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It has been two mouths since the red star had brighten up the night sky. Most people never notice the red star that night, or if some did they did not know what it meant. Only one person knew the true meaning behind the red star, and he had been waiting for thousands of years for it to come. When he saw the red star that night he was bursting with happiness inside. His name is Zeno the yellow dragon warrior. Just one out of the four dragon warriors that servers the crimson dragon.

When the red star had passed; Zeno went to each of his dragon brothers to see how they were doing. One was being worshiped like a dragon should, but the other two dragons were being shunned or hated by the villagers. Zeno could do little to help the two of his dragon brothers that were having a hard life, but he did what he can do to ease their pain a little.

As Zeno was traveling he was planning to wait for his master to grow older to see him again, but as the weeks turn into mouths it was hard to stay away. So, Zeno traveled to the Kouka Kingdom. When Zeno was just outside of the kingdom looking down at it he said to himself "I have not set foot here since I left all those years ago. It looks different but it is still the same Kouka castle."

Zeno first went to the village that was just outside the castle walls. He wanted to hear what the villagers were saying about his master. The village has grown a lot since the time when King Hiryuu was alive. As he was walking around he heard some of the villagers talking about the new royal baby.

"I am so happy for the queen and Emperor."

"I heard that the child did not cry when it was born."

"I hear that the emperor does not want a lot of people close to the child."

"I know someone that works in the castle and that they saw the baby for just a moment. They say that the child's hair was red."

"That's weird there has never been someone with red hair for a very long time."

Even if it has been two months since the crimson dragon coming the people are still talking about the baby. Zeno tries to get as much information about his master as possible, but there was just not a lot of it. He found out that the emperor and queen are not letting a lot of people near the baby. Zeno wanted to see if his master was fine and if he was in a good environment to live in. So, Zeno made plans to go at night and sneak into the castle to see his master for the first time in thousands of years. Zeno new Kouka castle like the back of his hand. Zeno new all the secret tunnels and passageways to get into the castle.

When night finally fell. It was a clear night with the stars and the moon shining brightly. When Zeno new that most of the people were sleeping away in their homes; he sneaked around the castle wall towards one of the tunnels where he knows one was at. When no one was around he opened the tunnel that will take him behind the castle walls.

As Zeno was going through one of the tunnels there where lots webs and bugs everywhere. It looks like no one has been down here for a long time. Zeno finely made it to the end of the tunnel. He then opened it up and got out. He looked around and saw that he was in the castle garden. Zeno also could not see anyone that was around. He saw that there was a lack of guards around the place.

He stayed in the dark places and out of people site when they walked by. "Now where could they put my master?" Zeno said quietly to himself. As he was about to get out of one of his hiding places he saw two guards come his way, so he hid again. As the two guards were walking by they were talking to each other.

"It is a quiet night tonight. Did you check the east wing where the royal family is?"

"Yea all is fine there. Man, I am tired" said the other guard that was yawning.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2017 ⏰

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