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  Somebody help me through this nightmare

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  Somebody help me through this nightmare

I can't control myself

Somebody wake me from this nightmare

I can't escape this hell  

~Lyrics-Three Days Grace~

Hi, guys. This chapter is written from the beast's POV and is written in first person. I found it the more telling way to get in the character's head. If you notice some contradictory statements, it's supposed to be that way. She is confused, and obviously, insane. Her thoughts change from one moment to the next. I hope you enjoy the chapter, and as usual, please hit that star and give me some comments. I apologize, it's a little shorter than my usual 4,000 words.

Darkness. The blackest shadows, lurking far and wide, devour me. I have no memory of anything different. Just the fleeting glimpses of another woman's life. A woman who is nothing like the animal I have become. Who she is, I do not know, and I never will. It is in her that my humanity lies, and I have never been able to reach her. She looks like me. She sounds like me. But she has a life. She has people who love her. I have none of those things.

I do not even know my own name. I only know what they call me. The people I have hunted, the ones who escaped me, and the ones who have not. It is a different name in each part of the world. Red wolf, monster, demon, shape shifter, werewolf, and beast. I answer to not one of them. I only answer to myself. It has been that way for all the time I am able to remember. Alone.

There is nothing to live for, nothing to care about, only a hollowness that eats at my insides and claws to the surface, itching to get out. There is nothing I can do to stop the madness when it arrives. I have tried. I have attempted, in many ways, to keep the painful change from happening. Even then, I do not truly have the will to stop it. Even then, I can still feel the insanity. Have you ever felt your mind race? Do you know what it is like to never have any form of escape? Not even from yourself?

Only one thing can change me now. Only one hope keeps me moving through each day. I do not know how I know him, Johem Hawke. Or should I call him Draven? That is what his little pretty calls him, isn't it? No, I don't know. I can only feel. I feel the magnetic pull, keeping me tied to him, as if he is a lifeline. My lifeline. I only know that, if I end him, I will be free.

I had almost been successful. When that little witch came into his life, I finally had my chance. If only he would have come alone like he was supposed to. If only that fiend had not gotten in the way. Isaac, the other little blonde calls him, is forever hunting me, trying to stop me, always in the way. His efforts are laughable.

But, oh, how the monster was urging me on to kill the little one when I had her. Does she not see that she looks like me? Is she really so blind? Is Draven taken with her? Or is there something more? Perhaps I have a stronger tie to him, than even I, realize. Sometimes it seems that way. Whatever the cause, my beast wants her, more than it has ever wanted anyone. I held myself; barely. It was only knowing that I needed her, to get to him, that kept me fighting the beast and holding it back. Even, so, my mind rallied against me. It always does.

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