Chapter 10

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                                                     Chapter 10


Rubin woke in the morning with a smile on his face. He finally made it official, he got his girl. He still didn’t tell her the truth, but he did plan too…….eventually…..when the time is right.

He jumped out of his bed and jogged down the stairs and into the kitchen. He smelled the sizzling scent of eggs and crispy bacon frying the pot. He made his way to the counter that the food was presently placed on and patted Sarah affectionately on her back, he knew she did not like being touched after her accident.

“I hope you planned on saving some of that for me” he grinned at her and she smiled a small smile at him. ”Of course Alpha, I wouldn’t want you- “

Liam walked into the kitchen sniffing “mmm, what is that smell? Delicious!” he made his way over to the counter Sarah was currently making a plate at and she scooted away from him. His face dropped slightly and he sighed “Would you like a plate?” she asked him quietly.

“Of course, you know I can resist your cooking” he smiled brightly at her, his sad face disappearing and returning to the regular happy grin. What was that about? Rubin questioned in his mind.

Sarah handed both Rubin and Liam a plate full of eggs, bacon, pancakes, fruit and a cup of orange juice. “Thank you” they both said in unison and began to shovel the delicious food in their mouth.

“I’m going for a run, don’t wait up.” Rubin called dropping his plate in the sink and bounding out of the kitchen.

“Dinner is at 7” Sarah called after him.

“Thanks Sarah, can you prepare two extra plates, I plan on bringing some guest” he ran out of the kitchen before Liam could question him like a gossiping woman.

He walked into the forest, stripping off his clothing and hiding it under a nearby bush, to protect them from the other woodland creatures.

His bones cracked and his limbs shifted to ones of a big black wolf. Fur sprouted out of the pores of his body and his face scrunched up and elongated. This process was no longer painful, only the first time was and even more so for an Alpha wolf because of the larger size.

He shook out his fur. Finally, we haven’t been running for so long. His wolf’s deep gruff voice sounded through his head. Rubin chuckled which sounded more like hacking up a lung in his wolf form “I know’ he responded and shot off deeply into the woods.

After a while of running, Rubin reached the end of his territory, in the state of New Riviera, 300 or so miles from the pack house. Rubin did have the biggest pack in the north. He reached a stream and took a long drink and sat back on his haunches.

He thought of his beautiful angel and her beautiful angel, his family. He decided that when he is done here, he was going to see his amazing mate. He ran back home and greeted his pack. Saying all of the hellos and listening intently to their problems. Promising to try to fix all of the issues later, he jogged up the stairs to take a shower, he rather not show up at his mates house smelling like dirt and leaves.

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