Waking up

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"Ugh.." I groan, "tell me the truth did someone put a rock under my pillow, my head is killing me??"  Wow my voice is groggy...

 " Gracie your awake I thought you'd never wake up." I know that voice thats the president.. but that didn't come from a televison, we don't have televisons in the sleeping of medical quaters much to my dissapointment and slient protest. Mrs. Dearing  never needs to know. Anyway the  president is ..here...

 " Your the president, why is the president here? I'm in the hospital wing aren't I ... once more why? Your not a hallucination I made up are you? I don't wanna be nutty .. nutty means...." I shiver starting at my feet all the way up to my head, making it hurt so bad that my next words had to gasped out my next words " I'm gonna shut up now." 

  "Well Gracie I'm not just the president I'm also your father and, no I'm not a hallucination."he said with laughter in his voice."Your in hospital wing because you hit your head when you fainted."

I'm a little more alert as those words. " Oh, so they were telling the truth then I'm the presidents daughter... so how dose that work as far as I know I've been here since birth did you like send me off to boarding school too early or something and if so why haven't I met you before, " I took a breath " Oh ... and I almost forgot, what about morph did you like the design I was thinking, mabey that I could find a way so that the nano- bots can hang around people. So spys can look like anyone.. well not anyone twenty- four year olds I don't think can sucessfully look and act as a five year old. I also thought that it might  also work as a bit of a toy; it would be the most amasing toy ever made." I stopped my self there. One because I was rambling and two because of the president's face looked like if you disovered a bomb was in your imediate area; a frozen look of shock resided on him." Um you did see morph.. right?"

 The presidents jaw un- hinged and creaked out " Morph?"

" You didn't see it." I said disapointment coloring my voice. I lifted up my head to see a room full of stars, apparently I made a screamish sound because the president had his hands on my head when I came back to earth, my head still pounding and hands were still on my head.

"I'm ok now you can take your hands off, that was werid  can I see the chart since I can't get up and get it? I as as politely as possible. He gave me my chart I have a major concussion. Whatever I fell on was very effective at brusing my skull and mabey my brain I should be fine with proper supervision.(everyone knows that's never lacking.) "Thank you can I talk with Dr.Carrie its not about the chart or anything I was just wondering if she could bring me something??"

"Um sure." He responded with that he left  to go and find her.


 " Dr.Carrie do you have the scanning of the walls from the room I passed out in? I want to show  the president what morph is. Also may I have some food? I didn't have breafeast this morning... its still today right?"

  " Well Gracie they haven't scanned the walls yet, but I can show him morph if he'll let me, and of course you can have food. I'll have some sent up, any more questions?"

 " I do," said the president. "She was seeing stars just a mintue ago is that normal?"

 " Yes, it should past in a little while its expected."said Dr. Carrie.

 " My turn again, ok frist what time is it, also I thought I waited long enough hasn't been about seven minutes?"I said.

" Sweetie, it hasn't been seven minutes" Mr.President.

" In that case I have another question how long where you gone from the exam room till you came back with Mrs.Dearing?"

" Ahh, not that long ten to fifteen minutes tops, why??" 

 " Um I thought you where gone thirdy minutes do I need to make a watch or is that frowned apon?"

 " You can make a watch if you want to sweetie and I'll go see morph you just rest ok," the president said.

"Ok, hey tomorrow can I give you a tour, also may I have the stuff to make morph?"

" Sure honey "

" One last thing I promise what do you mean by rest?" there was a sight pause as the president  thought of how to repond.

" I mean relax that is what I'm asing you to do."

" Alright, I'll try when will the watch part be here then, cause I don't think I can relax without something to tinker with" I let out a giggle "Kinda like tinker bell, if I had a little sister I bet she'd love that reference so much she'd call me tinker."I said with a smile on my face.

" Uh sure" was the only reponse before he was out the door.

 ** I do not own tinker bell or treasure planet just in case anyone  was wondering also this is a message to my key board take that I think I got all the words to be legible ha 

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