Chapter 8

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*1 month later*

"So why are you here again?"
"All of the royals are having a meeting so here's well....All of us of their childrens."

I hear a car beeping and I draw my attention to it. The boys came out and Ji Woo unnie waved. I wave back and she drove off. They came to us and Bora hugged me tightly. "I've missed you so much!" I laughed and saw CL behind them. "H-Hey." I smiled ad went to hug her. I let go and look at the other royals.

"Um......." Jimin looks frightened.
"I'm guess you're all scared."
"I think so." Bora said normally.
"They're the childrens from all the royals around the world."
"Why are they here?" Taehyung and Jimin synced.
"All the Kings are having a meeting and all the Queens are doing their own thing so we're all here."
"Let's go!"

I brought them to the hammock behind the garden. I smiled at the other hammock guessing Chung-Hee did what I asked.

We decide to separate and have a private talk first before we come together

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We decide to separate and have a private talk first before we come together. We all chatted and head inside to my room but we ran into the King of United Kingdom.

"Ugh why are there commoners hanging out with a princess?"
"These are my friends King John. True friends to be exact."
"I'm afraid not King John." Appa came. "It's true that they're commoners but they are true friends so we just let them be them. They were friends before they knew she was the lost princess."

King John scoffed and walked away. Appa patted my head and went the same way as King John.

"Who's he?"
"The King of the United Kingdom."
"I almost peed my pants." Hoseok said.
"Let's go to my room."

They nodded and we head to my room.

We all took a seat except Bora and CL

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We all took a seat except Bora and CL. They were looking around the room in awe.

"Oh yeah Y/N."
"Who are you asking?"
"I don't know maybe Jin?"
"Y/N can we all take turns dancing with you?" Taehyung asked with puppy eyes.
"Of course!"
"Well we can't help it since you're a princess."

*Lunch Third Person POV*

"Mwo?! We're eating with the royals?!" Namjoon yelled. You covered your ears due to Namjoon's loud voice. You feel like if he yelled even louder he'll break the windows. "Yeah eomma wants you guys to eat with us royals." "Ani I can't do it! We have to face all of those royals and-and......" Jin fainted and Namjoon just froze there.

"Are they on their parent mode?"
"Looks like it." Jimin and Taehyung synced.
"Stop syncing!" Yoongi shouted.
"Never." They synced again.
"Wanna leave? This is gonna take forever." You asked.

You, Jungkook, and Hoseok dash off to the dining room. You all took a seat and began chatting about the guys. You ordered Chung-Hee to take Jin and Namjoon to a guest room and wondered if Yoongi is still arguing.


This had gone for hours and Yoongi had enough.

"Aish instead of born separately you guys should just be twins."
"Yoongi where's the others?"
"Ugh! F*ck this sh*t! I'm out!"

Yoongi walked away but Jimin and Taehyung followed. They're still syncing. "But really where are they?"

*A few hours later*

Jin and Namjoon were awake but on a bed. "Where are we?" Jin got up. "I don't know." Then they just realized they missed lunch. They sighed in relief but remember you guys.

"Where's Y/N?! Where's everyone?!"
"Where are we?!"
"Why are we on the same bed?!"

As they were yelling and shouting, not knowing their surrounding Tao woke up.

"Would you please stop? You're disturbing my beauty sleep."
"Oh we're sorry." Jin apologized quickly.
"What on earth are you guys screaming about?"
"We just woke up and we don't know where are the others."
"They're in the garden."
"Thank you!"

Jin and Namjoon dash off to the garden and found you guys. They tackled the guys and grabbed them. They shook them and shouted.

"Why did you guys leave us?!"
"Mianhae Jin Namjoon. Blame on me, Jimin, and Taehyung." You said.
"Y/N....." Their heart weakened.
"Wait why Jimin and Taehyung with you?" Namjoon asked.
"Their habit that pisses us off."
"Because of them me, Jungkook, and Hobi went to eat lunch with the royals. We got food for you two. But it still our fault that we left you guys."

Their heart weakens even more. They touched your shoulder and that surprises you.

"But Y/N it's not your fault. We would never blame you."

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