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Halsey's P.O.V

I wake up and hear a bang in my living room. I bolt up and turn to wake Gerald (G_Easy) up and remember we broke up. I run to the closet and grab a prop bat from a photo shoot and walk downstairs. I slam open the living room door and start screaming when I see Lauren.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I yell setting the bat down. 

"I thought you needed a friend." she said. I nod walking over to give her a hug. "Hey i missed you." She said smiling. "i missed you too." then shoving her. "EVEN THOUGH YOU SCARED ME SHITLESS!" she laughed and sat on the couch.

Lauren's been my best friend since before our song Strangers was even though of. She brought me Ice cream and popcorn and fries. I'm blessed

though i'd add some story lines in there too so it's not just a bunch of photos and Dms 😂

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