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3 new voicemails from Trina at 8:43 A.M., 7:32 P.M., & 7:46 P.M.:

"Morning Marvin, it's Trina! I didn't see you last night so I'll tell you at the appointment with Dr. Price. Don't forget to meet me there by 5:30. It's crucial that you're present. He'll be going over various birthing techniques and you'll need to keep me calm! See you later, love you!"

"Where are you?! First, you don't show up at my apartment last night, now you don't even care to show up to the doctor? You do understand that this is our child, not just something frivolous that you don't need to attend to. Yeah, I know you have classes, but there's a human in my body that I'm going to be birthing in four months and you need to be here for me. J-just call me back when you can, love you."

"Marv, I'm so sorry for lashing out, I'm just stressed. Scared, too. You can understand right? It's all just so foreign to me. But I know everything will be alright. I love you, bye."

missed phone calls (falsettos)Where stories live. Discover now