Chapter 3

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Professor McGonagall had received an owl that morning from the Ministry of Magic, warning her of the three Aurors coming to investigate the brutal killing at her school. She had responded immediately letting them know that if they were to be on her grounds, they were to follow her rules, and not scare any of her students. They had already experienced a large amount of students being withdrawn from Hogwarts. They didn't need anymore. So far there was no response.

The letter stated that they would be there by midday to meet her in her office. As it was currently 11:55 she was pacing nervously across her large, circular office.

"How did you do it?" she questioned the portrait of her predecessor, Albus Dumbledore. She was, of course, referring to the how on earth he had been able to handle the accusations made about him as Headmaster. He had faced much worse than her and never let any stress show on his face. But one bad article from the daily prophet had sent her into a spiraling vortex of anxiety.

"My dear," he winked down at her. "With a simple thing called grace."

"Oh how helpful," she mumbled angrily. That's when she heard someone knock on the door. They were here.

She adjusted her tin of biscuits, and straightened the line of quills on her desk before sitting down hoping to look as elegant as possible. She cleared her throat, "Come in."

And into her office came three, incredibly handsome, Aurors. Two of them dresses in pristine robes, and the other in a trench coat.

"Good afternoon, Professor," one of them stepped forward, hand outstretched. She couldn't believe he was so tall. There was something off about his accent too. He sounded almost.. American?

Never the less, she shook his hand and jest urged for him to sit. "Have a biscuit."

"Umm.. No thanks," he said before sitting down in front of her desk. His partner sat next to him. The man in the trench coat stayed further back towards the door.

"Okay Mr. .." she waited.

He hesitated, "Winchester, ma'am."

"Mr. Winchester," she smiled politely. "And you are?" She addressed his partner.

"Also Winchester." he responded in a deep voice that was definitely American. "We're brothers."

"Well," she began. "I must say I was very surprised by the letter I received this morning. I had thought the investigation was going on elsewhere." She paused. "As in away from my students."

They shared a look. She didn't quite catch it, but she would have sworn she saw panic in their eyes. She had been teaching teenagers for years. After being lied to repeatedly by James Potter and Sirius Black, and those blasted Weasley twins, she knew how to tell. These men definitely we're not being truthful.

"Look, Headmistress," Winchester number two stressed the word almost sarcastically. "We're not your average Aurors." Again the word sounded unbelievable coming out of his mouth.

She didn't know what to say. She say back and raised her eyebrows.

The bigger brother tried to cover it up. "What he means is-"

"What I meant was that we don't stop wizards. We hunt stuff." He had dropped his bad fake accent completely, and looked straight into her eyes.

She leaned forward, placed her elbows on her desk. This was not what she expected to hear. "What kind of stuff?"

He paused. "Bad stuff."

"I must insist that you tell me-"

At that moment there was yet another knock on the door. This one she wasn't expecting.

With a flick of her wand the door flew open to reveal a man in a closely tailored suit. Standing behind him was a young blond woman and yet another handsome man.

She recognized them immediately. "Ah Professor Smith," she smiled politely. "Do come in."

He stepped inside and looked around curiously. He noticed the three men already there, which brought the headmistress's attention to what she was just discussing.

"Please, Mr. Winchesters, continue with your work. Just know that I will be checking to make sure your doing it.. properly."

They nodded, looking rightfully intimidated, before standing up and walking out.

"Oh I almost forgot!" She stopped them before they could walk out. "I assume you'll be staying a few days. Look for the portrait of the rhino. The password is 'Ceratotherium'."

They nodded with a quick word of thanks before leaving the office.

"Now, Mr Smith, how may I help you?"


As always reviews are appreciated. Hope you like it :D

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